Wii Zumba Fitness

Zumba Fitness

First, there was Body Pump, then Body Combat and now there’s Zumba! I must admit, having not been to a gym in erm, nearly 2 years I had no idea what my Mum was talking about when she said that she had seen a new dance class advertised on the TV called Zumba. I remember … Read more

Little Bean has Slapped Cheek!

Slapped Cheek

And no, I didn’t do it! For the last couple of days, my post-birthday princess hasn’t really been herself; she has been very quiet and subdued. I mentioned it to her key worker at pre-school, who said that chicken pox was doing the rounds, so it was possible that she had the onset of that … Read more

I hope this doesn’t jinx it!

You know when you really want to write a post saying just how well something is going but you’re worried that if you do, it will all go wrong?  Well, this is one of those posts.  After reading some of my ‘woe-is-me’ posts about how Beanie Boy still isn’t sleeping through at eight months, Pampers … Read more