How to celebrate your birthday at Butlins

How to celebrate your birthday at Butlins 1

We knew when we booked our holiday that Little Bean would be celebrating a birthday at Butlins, her 5th birthday to be precise. We were a little unsure that we would be able to make her birthday as special as we would have at home because she wouldn’t have all her family around her, her … Read more

My little boy is growing up

My little boy is growing up 2

You blink for one second and you’re children are all grown up! Since Jelly Bean has come along I have noticed the changes in Beanie Boy. He is still my little cutie, a very loving little boy but I’m seeing him in a different light now, he’s growing up. Being the baby of the family … Read more

Thinking Slimmer – it has definitely had an effect!

Thinking Slimmer – it has definitely had an effect! 3

Last year I applied to be a Thinking Slimmer blogger in association with Cybher 2012. I was really looking forward to giving it a try and began listening to the Slimpods each evening before bed. After just three nights of listening to the Slimpod I discovered I was pregnant with Jelly Bean and so I … Read more

Learn the perfect golf swing at a luxury pro level golf course for a father and his son or daughter

Learn the perfect golf swing at a luxury pro level golf course for a father and his son or daughter 4

Courtesy of Dove®Men+Care Dove® Men+Care is giving fathers inspiration on how they can spend more quality time with their children, following research that highlights the top life lessons that children want to learn from their fathers. These life lessons include basic DIY skills, playing sports, learning how to drive and achieving a work-life balance. It … Read more