Top 5 car seats

Top 5 car seats 1

Whether you’re a new parent or you’re on to your third, fourth or even fifth child, you can never be too prepared for bringing a new-born into the world (no matter how much practice you’ve had). Everything changes from the moment you hear their first tiny cries and instead of thinking ‘now what?’ we want … Read more

Tips for fire-proofing your family home

Tips for fire-proofing your family home 2

It’s horrible thinking about what you’d do if your family home caught fire – destroying your house and your possessions. But part of being a responsible parent is acknowledging risks and doing your best to protect your family. And while this means taking fire prevention measures around the home to stop fire breaking out, it … Read more

Review: Samsung Techwin Baby Monitor

Review: Samsung Techwin Baby Monitor 3

Samsung Techwin released two new baby monitors to its growing range of security products, the SEW-3036W and the SEW-3037W. Both monitors are sleek in design and feature a super-bright, colour VGA resolution screen (640×480) 3.5 inch wireless LCD video monitor and a separate compact wireless camera.

Help Sudocrem and the NSPCC

One of the nice things about blogging is that every now and then we get the opportunity to help someone make a difference by raising awareness of different projects to our readers. Today I would like to tell you about Sudocrem who have been protecting children for years from nappy rash, eczema, cuts and grazes. … Read more