Blue Planet II DVD giveaway plus countdown of the best online slot sea themed games

Blue Planet

Fancy winning some amazing Blue Planet II DVDs? We are giving our lucky readers a chance to win an awe-inspiring Blue Plant II DVD giveaway, which has fascinating insights into the deep sea and epic under water scenes. Ever tried your luck with online slot games? There are now a vast number of underwater sea … Read more

What we love at National Sea Life Birmingham

Sea Life Birmingham

It’s hard to believe that our time as National Sea Life Centre Birmingham ambassadors is almost at an end, we’ve had lots of fun visiting over the past few months so when we visited a few weeks ago I took the time to notice the things that we enjoyed the most during our visits. The … Read more

Our first visit as Sea Life Birmingham Ambassadors

Sea Life Birmingham

A few months ago I was excited to tell you that we had been selected as Sea Life Centre Ambassadors for Birmingham, something we were very much looking forward to. Well, today we have spent a very enjoyable day in Birmingham checking out their current Mister Maker theme. When we arrived we needed to sort … Read more

Explore the Ancient Oceans with Sea Life Centres this Half Term

#AncientOceans Sea Life Birmingham

This year Sea Life Centres are celebrating their 20th Anniversary and I am still loving visiting as much today as I did all those years ago when they first opened, only now I have the added fun of visiting with my Beans and seeing it through their eyes. Yesterday we were invited to visit Sea … Read more

A family day at Cornish Birds of Prey Centre

Birds of Prey

I’ve been so busy getting everything ready for Christmas (I’m determined to be done by 1st December this year) that I forgot to finish telling you all about our lovely family holiday to Cornwall. I was looking through our family photographs last night and it prompted me to tell you about our visit to the … Read more