The Criteria of Selecting A Highly Efficient Toilet


If you live your life with efficiency in mind, then you want to make sure that everything you own, including your toilet, can fit in with this ethos. You might not think that toilets differ in efficiency, but believe it or not, toilets can account for up to 30% of your total household water consumption. … Read more

How Can Women Improve Their Daily Hygiene by Using a Simple Bathroom Improvement

How can women improve their daily hygiene

Women’s health is an important issue that sometimes falls under taboo and no one wants to say anything on the subject publicly. But thanks to the French inventors from the 17th century, it’s easier to understand the benefits and talk about them. Of course, we are referring to the bidet, a bathroom fixture that may … Read more

Play Safe with Milton: Bath Time and Beyond #Giveaway

Bath toys

Following recent revelations that children’s bath toys provide the perfect breeding ground for potentially harmful bacteria, Milton reveals how to ensure children play safely at bath time and beyond. Milton, the leading name in sterilising and hygiene, reveals its top tips to keep bath and plastic toys squeaky clean and free from deadly bacteria, at home and … Read more

What’s the proper way to clean your bathroom sink?

Clean sink

Bathroom cleaning isn’t rocket science but it has to be done, for obvious reasons. You would think that all the soap and water flowing through your bathroom sink would keep it perpetually clean but, sadly, that’s just not the case. Soap deposits, toothpaste, water stains and rust can all build up if you don’t stay … Read more