Daddy says . . .
With all the different celebratory days in a year, Christmas, Valentines, Mother’s Day, Easter, Father’s Day, Birthdays and Anniversaries, it can be tough and expensive to make the day special and keep the gifts original and within a sensible budget.

This Mother’s Day, I was lucky enough to have help from Tesco. Mummy loves to be pampered and likes the personal touch, both in terms of effort made and gifts. Tesco provided the Beans and Me with a hamper for Mummy, which included 3 breakfast recipe cards to choose a special breakfast to all help make, some cards for the kids to colour in and personalise, a tray to put breakfast on for delivery to bed (after a suitably long lie in of course) an art case full of paints, pens, crayons etc., a cake with an edible writing pen to personalise it, bagels, porridge and sundried tomatoes to help me start the breakfast off. I was also given a £30 voucher to purchase the other breakfast essentials required, plus any gifts that the Beans might want to buy for Mummy.
On Saturday, having let the Beans in on the plan, we went shopping. Little Bean and Beanie Boy had decided that they would like to help make Mummy poached eggs over salmon on bagels and a nice cup of tea. They said we had to have flowers (yellow). Having done a couple of laps of the store, Little Bean spotted a CD that she said mummy would like as it would be a ‘cool’ one to sing and boogie to in the car. Beanie Boy wanted to get mummy a funny film to watch, and Jelly Bean said mummy had to have chocolates to eat.
I decided to cook Mummy and Nanna tea at the end of the day as my little gift and so bought a nice bottle of wine to enjoy while they tucked in.

As you can see, the Beans all got stuck into their crafting and helped make Mummys breakfast before ‘gently’ waking her to enjoy their efforts. My favourite was the cake, I had not seen this before, and it was great to do with the Beans; I sat and asked them for words that they thought described Mummy. I wrote them down, and then Little Bean and Beanie Boy took turns writing them on the cake. Jelly Bean can’t write yet, but he wanted to do some decorating, so the artistic squiggles belong to him.
Mummy loved all her cards and gifts especially as they were all so personal. It was a great start to the day. Thank you Tesco!!
Mummy says . . .
My Mother’s Day yesterday was pretty much perfect. It all started with a wonderful wake-up call around 9 am from my babies clambering all over me, Little Bean and Beanie Boy shouting “wake up Mummy, Happy Mother’s Day” and Jelly Bean declaring “Happy Birthday Mummy’s Day” bless him, he always makes me giggle with his mixed-up words and phrases. They each presented with a beautifully handmade card, such a precious thing for a Mum to treasure forever. They told me I needed to sit up as Daddy was bringing me up some yummy breakfast, “I cracked the eggs”, declared Little Bean, “I buttered the bagels”, said Beanie Boy and “I love you”, whispered Jelly Bean. Daddy told me the Beans had been very busy that morning decorating their cards and a special gift for me which I would see soon.

Once sat up in bed, Daddy arrived carrying a beautiful new tray with a plate of Poached Egg and Salmon Bagels and a refreshing cup of tea. The Beans sat and chatted to me whilst I ate my breakfast, and then excitedly told me they had some gifts for me too. Again Daddy appeared, this time carrying a lovely hamper emblazoned with a pretty pink bow. He placed the hamper on the bed and opened it to reveal beautifully wrapped presents, a cheerful bunch of yellow tulips and a pink cake which the Beans had written on using a special edible pen. They had written words to describe me and the things I love; Jelly Bean had ‘written’ on the cake too in his own special squiggles. It was perhaps the most beautiful cake I have ever had, and it tasted great too. I opened my gifts to find a scrummy box of special chocolates, a CD packed with songs for the Beans and Me to sing along to in the car, a funny DVD to watch with Daddy later that evening and a bottle of wine to enjoy with my evening meal. I also received a beautiful new watch.

Later, the Beans, Nanna and I went out for a fun day at Bugtopia Rutland Water. I’d heard great reports from friends, and I go with the idea that if the Beans are happy and entertained, then they will behave, which means that I will have a fun and relaxing day. It worked!! Nanna and I had a charming day with the Beans; after Bugtopia (which I shall tell you more about in a later post), we went for a refreshing (flipping freezing walk) before returning home to a lovely meal cooked by Hubby. He then put the Beans to bed whilst Nanna and I enjoyed a glass of wine. Perfect!