014/365-2013 – Trampolines are fun in the snow too!!

014/365-2013 – Trampolines are fun in the snow too!! 4

When we woke this morning to a covering of snow I knew the tiddlers would be excited. I’m not exactly equipped at the moment for helping to roll snowmen but I didn’t want to spoil their fun. Each time I looked out of the kitchen window I looked at the trampoline I kept thinking how … Read more

I’m only asking for a little bit of good luck . . .

I’m only asking for a little bit of good luck . . . 6

Seriously, I’m not asking for a lottery win (although it would be nice), I’m just asking for things to start going right with me and Jelly Bean health-wise because I am beyond fed up now. Last week I wrote this post and still things aren’t right. I have now finished the antibiotics that were prescribed … Read more

011/365-2013 – Superstar of the Week!!

011/365-2013 – Superstar of the Week!! 7

Yesterday, during my usual afternoon ritual of collecting Little Bean from school, I had an exceptionally proud moment. Her teacher greeted me with wonderful news: Little Bean had earned three ticks on the ‘Star of the Week’ chart. She wasn’t just a good girl; her writing had been exceptional! I couldn’t contain my excitement and … Read more

Avoiding the winter bugs and viruses . . .

Avoiding the winter bugs and viruses . . . 8

As you might have seen from my post yesterday, our Christmas was a little blighted by the winter bugs and viruses which are doing the rounds. There’s nothing worse than being poorly over the Christmas period, you spend weeks (or months) preparing for the big day, you spend hours wrapping presents, writing cards and planning … Read more