Easter Holidays – Day 9 – Little Tikes Trike and Country Walk

Little Tikes

As we rolled out of our beds to see the sun shining a plan for the morning formed in my head. Once breakfast was finished I set to work on building the Little Tikes Trike which we had been sent to review. It perhaps wasn’t my best idea to build the Trike with 3 *ahem* … Read more

So much Little Tikes to choose from at Asda

Little Tikes

If you don’t have young children yourself but you do have children to buy for, it can be daunting knowing what to buy them but with Little Tikes you can’t go wrong. Little Tikes toys are all about learning through fun and they are built to withstand the not-so-gentle nature of their audience. Little Tikes … Read more

An introduction to Diono & Little Tikes plus giveaway

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A couple of weeks ago once we had dropped Little Bean at school, the boys and I hopped on a train down to a very wet and gloomy London to see the new range of travel solutions from Diono who have recently teamed up with Little Tikes to create a fab range of nursery product … Read more