How the legalisation of same-sex marriages has affected the jewellery market

Same-sex Marriage

Same-sex marriages were legalised in March 2014. Since then, civil partnership formations have declined by 85% since 2013. In the first month of same-sex marriages being legal the UK, 1,049 couples wed. Together with Angelic Diamonds, retailers of bespoke wedding bands, we look at the rise of same-sex marriages and how this has affected the … Read more

Crypto’s New Horizons: Unveiling Unconventional Opportunities in the Digital Asset Realm

Digital Assets

The cryptocurrency ecosystem, once a niche playground for tech enthusiasts, has morphed into a vast landscape of innovation that’s reshaping our understanding of value and exchange. While Bitcoin and Ethereum continue to dominate headlines, a new wave of opportunities is emerging in unexpected corners of the crypto world. From the transformation of traditional industries to … Read more