This week feels like it has flown by, that seems to be the way once the children are at school, the week’s whizz by before your eyes.

{Feeling} great! Do you know those weeks where you feel really focused and achieve a lot in a short space of time? That’s how this week has been for me. I have made a determined effort to really think about what I need to do each day and not only have I managed to keep on top of the housework with a clean and tidy house but I have also managed to make excellent headway with my blog and emails too.
{Hurting} because I got back into exercise this week. Jelly Bean and I exercised together over a couple of days, we did The Body Coach Workout, Davina 7 AND a Yoga session. Obviously, he didn’t quite manage to do all of the exercises but he enjoyed having a go at them and we had a good giggle. Two days later I am really feeling the burn but it’s that good kind of burn when you know you’ve worked hard for it.
{Watching} Hubby and I have been on a bit of a film-fest this week in the evenings. So far we have watched Friends with Benefits (again), The Imitation Game, Prometheus and Lincoln. I LOVE Friends with Benefits, such a fun and light-hearted film but my favourite this week has to be The Imitation Game. Benedict Cumberbatch is a brilliant actor and the story itself was quite sad, even more so when I realised that it was true. What good films have you seen recently?
{Listening} to Spotify. I am loving all of the Acoustic sessions, there are some really amazing tunes on there and so relaxing. Perhaps that’s the reason I have been more focused this week? I used to sit in complete silence when I was working but over Christmas, I was loving listening to music again and I love the variety on Spotify, I feel like a whole new world has been opened up to me.
{Proud} of Beanie Boy. This evening I received a message from a Mum at school to say that he had made her daughter’s day. She has some mobility issues and becomes upset that she cannot run as fast as her friends. Today Beanie Boy ran slow on purpose so that she could win. This is Beanie Boy all over, he is such a caring and thoughtful boy, he feels things deeply and hates to see people sad. I hope that he will always be this caring although I also worry that people might take advantage of his good nature. I also think he may be coming down with something as he has been quite tearful and very cold this evening. Watch this space.
{Looking forward} to spending the afternoon with Little Bean and my Mum tomorrow for our girly afternoon at the hairdressers and popping out for hot chocolate and cake.