Introducing Heaven’s Homebaked Cakes

Heaven’s Homebaked Cakes is a small business based in Yaxley on the outskirts of Peterborough. It began earlier this year after Suzanne, the proprietor, signed herself up for a sugar crafting course at the suggestion of her Mother-in-Law. Suzanne discovered that not only did she enjoy it but she was a natural. Fast forward a … Read more

High-Speed Memories of my 30th Birthday Track Day

High-Speed Memories of my 30th Birthday Track Day 1

It seems ridiculous to think that my 30th Birthday was more than 10 years ago . . . excuse me whilst I sit and sob into the corner. Life certainly does have this ability to fly by in the blink of an eye. To that extent, I believe it’s important to grab opportunities when you … Read more

Birthday party ideas for a 10 year old

Captain Fantastic

It’s that’s time again when I need to get my thinking gear on and start planning Lillie’s 10th birthday party and celebrations with her friends. At 10 years old I have found that we have reached that in-between stage, she isn’t quite the ‘little girl’ anymore but likewise, she is (thankfully) still a way off … Read more