10 Non-Chocolate Easter Gift Ideas

Non-chocolate Easter Gift ideas

Easter is a time of celebration and joy, but it can be difficult to come up with creative gift ideas. While chocolate Easter eggs may be the traditional choice, there are plenty of non-chocolate gifts that can be just as meaningful and fun. With a bit of imagination, anything can become an Easter gift! 10 … Read more

5 Garden Stargazing Activities to try with your kids

Garden Stargazing Activities

Mark Westmoquette, Astrophysicist and Zen Teacher gives his 5 garden stargazing activities to try with kids – based on his stargazing books Mindful Thoughts for Stargazers, Stars, and The Mindful Universe. Kids are often fascinated by the night sky. But as adults, we sometimes feel worried about guiding them because we think our knowledge of the stars isn’t up … Read more