3 Internet Safety Tips to Share with Your Kids


It is no secret that children are curious. Even as infants, they tend to act on instincts of curiosity when exploring new things. In the spirit of discovery, interest doesn’t end there. As children grow into pre-teens and teenagers, they’re more exposed to an abundance of unfiltered technology that can act as a new world … Read more

Intestinal worms and how to protect your family

Family Pet

We only need to look at the faces of our children as they snuggle up with Bramble or play chase with him to know that getting a dog was absolutely the right decision for our family. Having grown up with dogs myself and owning four dogs in adulthood, I know the pleasure and depth of … Read more

Chaperhome: New mobile app to alert you if your kids need help


Chaperhome, for that time in every parents life where we need to allow our children the freedom to spread their wings and venture from home without our guidance and supervision. For Will that has been for a number of years now, he has his mobile phone so we have a means of contact but asking … Read more

Keeping the Kitchen Kid-Friendly

Keeping the Kitchen Kid-Friendly 1

When you’ve got kids, keeping your kitchen clean and tidy takes enough effort without letting the little into the thick of the action. As anyone who’s ever done baby led weaning knows, your daily routine of a quick clean down of all the surfaces suddenly takes considerably longer when it involves scraping bits of food … Read more

National NSPCC campaign to protect young children from sexual abuse launches with new game and TV ad

NSPCC Pantosaurus

Return of Pantosaurus the dinosaur to help parents have simple yet vital conversations with their children about a difficult and sensitive subject The Mummy Diaries star Sam Faiers supporting the campaign and urging parents to talk PANTS with their own children A national campaign to help keep young children safe from sexual abuse has been … Read more

5 Ways to make your home baby & toddler friendly

laminate flooring

As a parent, the last thing you want is for any harm to come to your children so it makes sense to find ways to make your home baby & toddler-friendly. Little ones move around much faster than you can imagine and whilst we try our hardest, you can’t have an eye on them every … Read more

Keeping your children safe on their smartphones


The Mum in me who wants to bury her head in the sand and not think about my children using mobile phones is pretending that I am not writing this post. The Mum with the sensible head on knows that it is only a matter of time before my Beans will be getting their own … Read more