Happiness is a heartbeat!
my smile broke my face today when the heartbeat was heard good and strong. Little Bean put her finger to her ear (as she always does when she hears a strange noise) and said, “Oh, noise!”
my smile broke my face today when the heartbeat was heard good and strong. Little Bean put her finger to her ear (as she always does when she hears a strange noise) and said, “Oh, noise!”
As a seasoned reviewer and a fan of vivid storytelling in video games, I was thrilled to delve into the world of “How to Train Your Dragon” for the Wii, brought to us by Activision.
I’ve been experiencing some magical moments lately that I just have to share with you. For the past week, as I unwind with my book (currently diving into BREAKING DAWN – YIPPEE!!) before bedtime, I’ve started to feel these delightful sensations in my tummy. I’m convinced it’s our baby making their presence known. However, I … Read more
When Hubby took Little Bean up for her bath, Curly disappeared into his room, sat himself at the dining table with paper and a crayon, and proceeded to write the following lists of his favourite Baby names for Bump.
I’ve got some exciting news to share! Over the past couple of weeks, something remarkable has happened in our household. Baby Bean, or should I say, our newly crowned Little Bean, has taken her first steps into the world of adult food. While her palate may not be entirely focused on fruits and veggies just … Read more
Recently my friend at SuperSingleMum wrote a post The Nature of Friendship where she put a quote that I’ve often used before (in my head) about friendship lasting for Life, a Season or a Reason.
TODAY, I and Hubby attended our 12-week scan and we’re very happy to announce that all was well and we are pregnant. We are so happy and excited.
I have discovered something which I have always known but definitely not acknowledged for a while – I truly have the Best Hubby!
In my mind, I tell myself that it won’t be this way forever but actually that doesn’t make me feel any better at the moment. Having a fussy eater is hard.