If you are a regular reader of my blog, you may think that I’m going mad and publishing the same post again, but fear not, this is a new post! We loved BeWILDerwood so much when we visited in July that we decided to go back again so that Curly could see what all the fuss was about. When we pulled into the car park Curly was so excited I thought he would burst, after a quick hello with the super friendly Martin at the Grubbles Greeting Gate we made our way to BeWILDerboat Junction and jumped on the next BeWILDerboat available and headed off towards Scaaary Lake. I’m not quite sure why but this time Little Bean was frightened about seeing Mildred the Crocklebog again and when she squirted her water, it wasn’t just Little Bean who jumped, Curly nearly fell off his seat and his reaction made me jump too and I nearly dropped my camera!!

Curly loved all the funny signs and was eager to head down the Pointless Path to find out why it was so pointless. I’m not sure he ever really discovered why it was pointless because I think he forgot by the time he got to the end. We soon found ourselves in the Den Making area, which we didn’t try out last time, so we set to work and had so much fun. Den making was such a good ‘team-building’ exercise for our family as we had to work together to collect the wood and decide how our den was going to hold itself up.

Little Bean enjoyed it so much that she decided to build her very own den at the side of ours and got very upset when Daddy stole some of her wood. He thought she was just making a pile next to the tree; he didn’t realise this was her new castle! Naughty Daddy!! Once we had completed our den and taken lots of photos, Little Bean kissed her den to say goodbye, and we went on our way . . . I just didn’t have the heart to tell the children that it had been pulled down by another family looking for wood before we had even made it to the gate!
It was shocking to see the difference in Little Bean having her big brother to chase after, as she was definitely much braver this time around. This time, she tried out the Tricky Tunnels and climbed up and down and all around. We all took turns on the Wobbly Wires, even Beanie Boy had a go and cried when he took him off, he was having so much fun bless him!

Curly LOVED all the slides, but try as we might, Little Bean still wouldn’t give them a go. Hubby and Curly disappeared on the slides for a chunk of time whilst Little Bean, Beanie Boy, and I explored Toddlerwood and the swings. We enjoyed our day soooo much we were actually one of the last families to leave, we had been there for the whole day and the children were so exhausted. Curly said that he wanted to live here and never go home, Little Bean cried and said she was so tired she wanted to go to bed – she didn’t even want to go dancing she was so tired! I think it’s fair to say that BeWILDerwood is a massive hit with the Mummy Matters family, and I expect to be coming back here every year for the next few years!