Will 2019 be the year I get my home office?

In collaboration with LionsHome

Home Office

Working from home, it’s important to have space to work and close the door at the end of the day. For the past couple of years, I have been sharing my home office space with the boys since the other half of the room is their playroom. Most of the time, this isn’t too much of a problem because I do most of my work when they are at school, but sometimes, meeting a deadline means I have to work after school or into the evenings once the Beans are all in bed. It gets difficult because my desk is usually covered in their toys, crayons, half-coloured pictures, and all manner of crumbs or spilt drinks – to say it isn’t conducive to a good work ethic would be an understatement. I have begun sorting out the toys they no longer play with to take back space and my dreams of an office to myself, and I am already dreaming about how my home office will look.

A New Desk for Mum

Home Office

I currently work at a corner desk I picked up second hand but I stumbled upon a really good desk on LionsHome which I keep coming back to. Perhaps it’s time to treat me to a shiny new desk with lots of storage space and plenty of worktop space to spread out in my home office. I hate feeling cramped when working, as it makes me feel overwhelmed and too stifled to be creative. Doing what I do is not very helpful.

Storage Space

Now my friend Karin would say that the best way to tidy our playroom/office would be to hire a skip and ditch half of it. Honestly, this room gives her anxiety attacks when she comes anywhere near it. Still, the thing is, my Beans take good care of their toys, so very slowly, I am working my way through and selling off the toys they no longer play with, donating them to the local childminder or to the school/preschool where they are relevant. Obviously, I can’t get rid of everything, so I am now in the process of relocating their favourite toys to the boy’s bedroom which has just been updated with new wardrobes and storage for toys. This will leave me with a huge amount of storage space, which I am determined not to waste. I could Marie Kondo the lot, but I haven’t decided if her approach is for me. Have you tried it?

Wall Coverings

Murals Wallpaper

We have been in our house for over eight years now and this is the only room in the house which hasn’t been redecorated from the magnolia box we moved in with. I wanted to put my stamp on it, but I can’t decide between geometrics, imagery or just colours, whether they be bright and white or pale pastels. I recently received a selection of wallpaper samples from Hovia. I’m going to tell you more about them very soon but I wanted to show you the yellow ombre effect wallpaper because I think that could work really well with white furniture. What do you think?

If you could create your own office space at home, what would be your first purchase?

8 thoughts on “Will 2019 be the year I get my home office?”

  1. I would love my own office space. I have a
    Blogging room, but no desk! But we’d like another baby so the desk will have to wait for now! Boo. Fingers crossed for you!

  2. i cannot wait to see what you do – i recently made a micro office in an airing cupboard – its tiny but – its mine ( and i nap in there 😉
    Pati robins x

  3. The post is superior. The article says about the home office. There are many people who work from home and they look for building a home office so that they can work from their home comfortably. People who are looking for home office ideas, you have got to read the article

  4. Marie Kondo is definitely for me, she has literally changed my whole life and I am so much clearer because of it. I used to have an office but I barely used it so I have a desk in the dining room now that has a family Mac on and it is much more sociable, i love it x

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