NIPS is running a mental health seminar in Lincoln on the 20th March,10 am – 2.30 pm, for anyone who would like to learn more about mental health in relation to children and young adults. The seminars are made for the public but of course, professionals can attend also. Babies under 1 can be brought into the seminar. The event space is wheelchair and buggy friendly.

Tickets are just £15. Book your seat now –
Event Speakers
Event speakers include; Sunlight Nutrition Limited – Lynda Rigley, Harmless – Sarah Kessling, South Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Service, also known as Boston Womens Aid ,Think 2 Speak , Spilsby Primary Academy, Upbeat Lincoln, Maria Efstratopoulou, Fortis Therapy and Training – Alexis Powell-Howard, Central Wellness Yoga Studio Lincoln – Stevi Pullen.
The event will feature two comperes who both live and work in Lincolnshire – Kate Alexander and Penelope Clifton. Kate is a practising psychological therapist working within the NHS and Penelope trained as a primary school teacher.
There will be stalls from Your Book Corner – an Independent Usborne Organiser, Upbeat Lincoln, Fortis Therapy and Training, Lincoln Pandas Support Group, Supporting Minds and Think 2 Speak.
Lunchbox Option

There is a pre-paid lunchbox option available (see attached poster) which costs just £7.95 and can be booked via The Blue Room once you’ve bought your event ticket.
Follow the event over on Facebook for updates: