Activities mums can do in their spare time away from the children

Parenthood is very demanding, and everyone wants to put family first. Sometimes, however, it’s worth pausing to consider the difference a little “you” time can make. Yes, this means taking a break from organised family life to prioritise your own wellbeing, no matter how you achieve that. Luckily, there are lots of activities that you can choose, depending on your personal preferences. Here are a few ideas for you to consider.

Stress relief

Contrary to what you might think, everyone else’s family life does not run like clockwork, with no hassles or unexpected setbacks. In fact, most parents would readily admit that they have to muddle through, at least some of the time – even the most organised ones. While a day trip to a spa is an unlikely dream for busy mums, whether working outside the home or not, you can get a quick fix via shorter therapies.

Indian Head Massage
Indian Head Massage via Shutterstock

For example, Reiki Indian head massage is known to be effective against stress, and you can book sessions that last 30 minutes or an hour. You can also check out your local salon as many new stylists are now being trained in scalp massage techniques as part of looking after their clients’ wellbeing. If you can escape to the hairdressers every now and again, make sure you benefit from a massage at the same time.


When time is short, it’s lovely to have a quick chat on the phone with friends, or even to meet up over a coffee. Social media exchanges can be really quick, and you can check in to lots of apps for a quick catch up with what your online friends are doing. Facebook and Twitter are among the most popular, and Pinterest is great if you love to keep up with the latest trends.

Watching TV

Watching TV via Shutterstock

An episode of your favourite TV show can be relaxing as well as fun, and if you love a good game or a puzzle, there’s a lot of choice, both offline and online. In fact, the internet has made a big impact on the world of gaming, and many games are now available online. If you love the traditional crossword, Scrabble or Sudoku, you can do these and many more on your phone, laptop or tablet.

Other short, fun games available online include casino-style slots and free scratchcards. Newer games have popped up as a direct result of the accessibility of the internet, and these tend to be role playing or simulation games, which you can drop into and out of depending on the time you have available.

Making the most

Surf the net
Surf the net via Shutterstock

If you like to spend your free time fruitfully, you might want to search for new recipes or stay abreast of the latest news and weather. Creating your family tree online is also fun and can be done piecemeal, as and when you have the opportunity. In a way, it doesn’t matter what sort of quick break activity you choose, as long as it really works for you.

22 thoughts on “Activities mums can do in their spare time away from the children”

  1. I always go out for a nice meal with my other half and hit a spa for a massage and a swim when we are childless… I really need to do it more often 😉

  2. Everyone needs some time to unwind. When I walk around the house and think….right I really must do that now, and then hours later you’re still doing house duties without even realising it, it’s just never ending. So. No,one should feel guilty for taking some time out. Book a day out with friends and relax.

    • I’m terrible for it. I think to myself I’m going to do A,B,C today and then spot the pile of laundry or some other job which leads to something else and before you know it it’s school pick-up time again! Never enough hours are there.

  3. All of these sound great but I find any free time ends up consumed with housework. Now the Toddler has cut her nap I struggle to get it all done.

    • It is so hard to find that free time isn’t it. I had reached that point but I’m slowly learning that I need to push for a little time to myself to make myself feel less stressed. Even just 10 mins when we get in from school is helping 🙂 x

  4. Have to say for me a good stress buster is baking, I love to go into the kitchen and make a cake or three, ok I make a mess doing it but mess clears up. Only draw back is it does not always get eaten, but it is cheaper therapy than a night on the booze.
    I feel people can get a lot of benefit from chats on social media, say a breastfeeding mum at 2am may well find it handy to feel less alone and isolated, but feel it has a negative impact during the day when people will rely on it rather than getting out and meeting people.

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