Oooh this is interesting, Mummy keeps saying she’s “flying solo”? I wonder what that means? Daddy and Nanna aren’t around this week so it’s just me, Mummy and Little Bean – ahhhh maybe that’s what she means?
The first day is really nice, we don’t do very much, just kind of stay around the house but on the second day Mummy seems different. She keeps crying and when she’s cuddling me I can feel her heart beating faster. Little Bean keeps not doing as Mummy tells her and Mummy says she’s cross. I don’t think I’m helping matters much, I keep being sick after my feeds. I can’t help it, it just happens but Mummy has to keep changing my clothes because I make them all wet and smelly.
A lady came to see me this week, Mummy said she was the Health Visitor and she has to keep checking me to make sure that I’m doing ok. She got Mummy to take all my clothes off and lay me on this really hard thing. I was really cold and felt a bit “exposed”. Apparently I weighed 8lb 15oz which is quite good, that’s because I love Mummy’s milk.
Mummy got me out a cool mat to lay on today, it has toys which dangle down on it and lights which flash above my head. I quite like it and tried to eat the elephant toy but I think it’s a bit too hard for me.