The ABC of me . . .

ABC of Me

Do you ever get the feeling that people have an idea about you that is very far from who you actually are? It’s not like we all make assumptions on people before we meet them is it? I always remember one of my best friends telling me that before she met me she assumed that I “dead hard and not to be messed with”. I would say don’t mess with me when it comes to my family and friends but dead hard? Nah that’s not me at all, I’m actually a real pussy cat (unless you REALLY push me!). So I have decided to give you a little insight into the person that is Sabina with an ABC of me . . .

A – Affectionate – I love nothing more than a good cuddle

B – Baking – I have always loved to bake and I love that I can now do this with my children. The only problem is my ideas are always way above my capabilities and then I feel disappointed when I don’t get it how I wanted. (See E below)

C – Crafty – I love to sit and create, when I was younger I used to draw all of the time, now I don’t draw so much but I love to make jewellery, do sewing, knitting and I really want to learn to crochet. Hubby calls me Grandma!

D – Dependable – I always try to be there for others and if I say I’m going to do something for someone, I try my hardest never to let them down.

E – Eating – I LOVE to eat but yet I hate cooking and preparing food, except baking. I love eating the cakes afterwards!!

F – Family and Friends – the two most important groups of people in my life. My family always come first NO MATTER WHAT! And Friends, they are the family we choose for ourselves, right?

G – Goody two shoes – I’ve always been a ‘good girl’, I have never really been in trouble for anything and despite the fact that I really hope my children follow in my footsteps I can’t help but think that makes me a bit boring!!!

H – Hard worker – I rarely relax and enjoy ‘me time’ because if there is work to be done I tend to think “why put off until tomorrow” so I just keep going, often to my own detriment and then end up overtired.

I – Independent – I am the original Miss Independent! It’s not that I don’t want people’s help or that I’m not a good team player, I just find it easy to get on and do things myself rather than asking for help. I’m always happy to help others where I can but when it comes to me I just stick my head down and get on with it.

J – Just Me – I never pretend to be anyone that I’m not and I have always said that people need to take me for who I am, if they don’t like it then it’s not my problem and I won’t change who I am to make others happy.

K – Kisses – I LOVE kisses from my babies and of course my Hubby (provided he doesn’t have stubble!)

L – Loyal – I always try to stick by those closest to me and do my best to be there for them. I

M – Mummy and Music – First and foremost I am a Mummy, the best job in the world. I miss Music, I have had music playing in my life for as long as I can remember but the children and I have different tastes so I don’t get to listen to my kind of music so much and I miss it.

N – Nervous – I am quite a nervy person. I get the shakes before I go to new places or before I meet new people. I assume that people will think I’m a numpty! Then when I do meet them I talk way too, fast, probably say way too much and all get all hot and bothered!!

O – Organised – Before becoming a Mummy this was what I always listed as being my best attribute, these days baby brain is making a bit of a hash of my organisational skills!

P – Pregnant – With number 3, and very happy to be carrying the third AND FINAL baby to add to our little brood. I really wanted to make the most of this pregnancy (as I have with my previous ones) but each pregnancy seems to have gone faster than the last, I am already over half way there and haven’t done half of the things that I wanted to because I have been too busy.

Q – Queen of my castle – I spend the majority of my time at home and my home is my pride and joy. I am always looking at ways to make it work better for our family but sometimes my ideas are more extravagant than our bank accounts! Hey, a girl can dream!!

R – Routine – I think this is important when you have children, without routine they don’t know where they stand. I like routine!

S – Stubborn – Once I set my mind to something it’s a pretty tough job trying to change it. Little Bean really takes after me on this one which can be extremely frustrating when we come up against each other.

T – Tired – At the moment I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy or the whooping cough but I feel tired from the moment I wake up until the minute I close my eyes at bedtime.

U – Understanding – I always try to be understanding of other peoples circumstances and if they ask, I try to help them make things better.

V – Vigilant – When it comes to the safety of my family and especially my children I try to make sure that they are safe but without spoiling their fun if I can help it. I’m a firm believer in learning from your own mistakes but without letting them take things too far.

W – Wrong?  Me? Never? At least I don’t think I am!

X – Xtremely lucky – to have an amazing Husband, beautiful/funny children, very loving and supportive Mum/parents-in-law and the best friends.

Y – Yelling – I’m a shouter, always have been, most likely always will be and I HATE IT!!

Z – Zest for life – Having lost close family members from an early age I have always been aware that life is too short so I want to make the most of it whilst I’m here, as the saying goes “we are here for a good time, not a long time” and i want my children to be proud of me.

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