Struggling in School: How to Support Your Child
Help your child succeed if they’re struggling in school. Discover tips, support services, and solutions for academic, emotional, or social challenges.
Help your child succeed if they’re struggling in school. Discover tips, support services, and solutions for academic, emotional, or social challenges.
With Atom Learning’s extensive teacher-made content – Atom Nucleus features engaging videos, activities, quizzes and interactive tasks, so children can have fun while learning KS2 core curriculum concepts.
Virtual classrooms allow students to take advantage of tech advancements in remote learning. These virtual classrooms give students access to their course materials, teacher lectures, and coursework.
Read on to discover seven fun ways, plus actionable tips and tricks, to give your kid’s concentration levels a quick boost!
Mathematics, which is a work of art in and of itself, is like a wild ride in which numerous methodologies are utilised to arrive at the same conclusion. Days are gone when kids struggled to solve arithmetic problems, particularly fractional ones. However, several manufacturers have made it possible to quickly grasp fraction calculations. Yes, we’re … Read more
What style of homeschool should I use to educate my child? In this blog post, we break down the different homeschooling methods, alongside their benefits and limitations.
Chalkola acrylic paints are a type of paint that are often used by artists to create their paintings. They are also used in many other ways, for example, to colour the inside of kids’ toys.
Little Learning Bears specialise in pre-school and infant learning folders and educational resources. The folders contain 20 interactive, laminated learning pages created by a qualified and experienced primary school teacher.
All children learn differently. Here are some useful tips to help you choose the perfect homeschooling curriculum for your kindergartner.