Things are always horribly hectic at this time of year. It can be an uphill struggle to get to the holidays, as we face rising costs, endless coughs and colds, darker days, worse weather, and all the preparation that comes with making sure our kids have the holiday season they deserve. This year has given us more reasons to be stressed than most. Putting aside the obvious, we are also looking at rising energy bills and shortages that we will have to navigate if we want to make sure that everything goes off without a hitch (and that we can afford it).

In short, stress is definitely going to be on the menu this winter, which is why it is so important that you find ways to take care of yourself. We do not need to tell you that your needs can often slide down towards the bottom of the priority list as a parent. But you should remember that you are never going to be able to fire on all cylinders if you are burning out. You are just as deserving as anyone else when it comes to some time away from all the stresses and worries of the day. Here are a few tips to help you to make sure that you are taking care of yourself this winter.
Try To Get Organised
We know that this first point does not sound like a treat as such, but if you want to make sure that you are giving yourself the time and space to look after yourself, then getting organised with your schedule will make a big difference. Now, some people find it easier than others to sit down and fill their diaries from Monday to Sunday, but if you are one of those people who finds it a little difficult, then start with the basics.
Remember that this is a process that gives control to you, rather than creating a mountainous to-do list. Once you have a clear idea of all your commitments, you will be able to start figuring out what you actually have time for and where you can start saying “no” to things if you want to.

If you live with a partner, it is so important that you communicate about the different duties that you are shouldering. When communication breaks down, this is when things start to pile up and it can feel like you are the one who has ended up having to look after everything. And remember, your partner may be feeling the exact same way.
So, at the start of the week, sit down with your partner and go over everything that needs to be done, from paying the bills to taking the kids to school. Make sure that the tasks are divided evenly and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. If you live alone and are looking after kids, then remember that this time is hard enough without you refusing to ask friends and family members for help. See if you can share some responsibilities with other parents and look at whether or not you can strike up a give and take with some of the regular duties.
Get Stocked Up Now
There are very few things that are as far away from self-care as last-minute panic buying. We have all seen the news about supply shortages on supermarket shelves, but this point goes beyond the race to fill your cupboard with festive favourites. This time of year is always the time when your kids will pick up each and every cold and flu germ from school, and you do not want to be looking around the shelves for cough medicine and tissues while you are fending off your own rising temperature. Make sure that you have filled your bathroom cabinet with all the necessities for looking after anyone in your household who is feeling poorly, and don’t forget the classic comfort foods like soup and chocolate. Knowing that you have a good stock in supply will definitely help.
Treat Yourself To Some Natural Remedies

Of course, taking care of yourself is not all about painkillers. If you want to treat yourself and relax, then it is just as important to look at natural remedies and other soothing and pamper goods. You do not have to wait for Christmas to treat yourself to a bath bomb, for example. Luxury pamper goods are not just for the holidays, and if you have been having a particularly tough week, then you absolutely deserve to allow yourself to unwind in comfort.
One of the most popular natural remedies for aches, pains and stress out there right now is CBD oil. You may have already read about it, and the ongoing research into CBD continues to find more and more uses for it. Now, you can buy CBD oil that has been grown in the UK to ensure a product that is 100% natural and ethical. If you are looking for full spectrum CBD oil UK, then check out The Good Level. They know that the wellness industry is full to brim with sub-standard products, and they have a wealth of resources to help you learn more about their processes and the benefits of CBD oil.
Don’t Be Afraid To Step Away For A Bit
One of the most precious resources for anyone as we head into the chaos of the holiday season is time. We are not just talking about stepping away from the stress of making the Christmas dinner to take a breather in an empty room for a bit. We are talking about setting aside a few hours, or a few days, that are just for you. This is not a selfish thing to do, this is making sure that you have the mental space to continue to look after everyone all year round. So, think about making time to go for a few drinks with your friends one night this week. Look at booking a cheeky weekend away now that travel restrictions have been lifted.
Keep Getting Outside

For a lot of us, this is the time of year where self-care is all about those indoor creature comforts. We are talking about a long soak in a hot bath or curling up under a blanket on the sofa and bingeing some quality telly. But it is very important for both your physical and mental health to keep getting outside into the fresh air.
Of course, actual sunshine is hard to come by during the winter months, but if you are feeling the lack of that sunlight, you can always invest in a SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) lamp. If you are finding it hard to summon the motivation to get outside, why not see if a friend or family member wants to get together for some regular exercise? You could think about setting yourself a fitness target to give yourself something to work towards. This will allow you to step away from your work and family pressures to do something that is just for you and remember that exercise releases endorphin. You do not have to wait until the first of January to start working on those resolutions to be a little healthier.

Wonderful tips! Self care during the busiest time of year is so important! I love to make downtime for myself, simplify and ask for help.
I bought myself a Cricut today so I can do some crafting and take time out for myself 🙂
i totally agree with everything you mentioned. especially the possible chaos when it comes to preparing for the holiday celebration. It’s important to list down the things you need to grab to avoid the last min cram.
I am going to be following my own advice tomorrow, I feel totally frazzled today.
Yep, I am slowly working my way down my list.
What a great list. I do find that in the wintertime, more self-care is needed because there is so much less sunlight and that really effects us all.
Yes I often find that SAD affects me in the winter too, it’s important we take time out to make ourselves feel better.
definitely this is so stressful and your list are so helpful like us mom. We have to find a little space and relax to our self to recharge again/
I hope it helps you to find some time for yourself, you deserve it.
Love these tips. I think that taking care of yourself during the winter months is so important. Thanks for these tips!