Preparing Your Family Garden for Spring and Summer

At last, better and warmer weather is on the way, along with the promise of long, sunny days and lighter evenings. Let’s look at what you can do to get your garden ready for the spring and summer seasons.

Take time to look around the garden

Before you rush to do anything, take half an hour or so to have a good look around the garden. Take in any areas which appear to be overgrown or bare, which parts you can live with and which bits need a makeover. If there are gaps in the flower borders, these can be filled with perennial flowers, which come back every year, or annuals or a mixture of both. A trip to the garden centre will tell you what’s available and which plants are best for colour, longevity and low maintenance. After all, the last thing you need when the weather hots up is having to keep dashing off to buy replacement plants! For the ultimate in low maintenance, look for plants that spread quickly to form a dense cover or shrubs which will look after themselves. 

Prepare your flower beds or pots by clearing away any dead leaves, lightly turning over the soil in beds, empty pots and containers, and refreshing with new compost. This is also the best time to get rid of any weeds before they really start to take off.

Inspect your garden furniture

After a long, hard winter, even the best garden furniture tends to look worse for wear. Wooden furniture may need re-painting or re-varnishing after cleaning, while metal furniture may show corrosion signs. Rattan furniture can start to corrode at the joints or show signs of wear on the arms and seats. 

Give everything a good clean using the most appropriate type of cleaner and see how they come up. If your furniture still looks a bit raggy, it may be time to get rid of it and buy new. Choices in garden furniture are varied depending on your preferred style and budget but have a look at a few different options. Take a look at the patio furniture at Lazy Susan for inspiration and choose hardy furniture that doesn’t need too much maintenance. That way you can spend more time tending to your garden and relaxing in it, rather than having to spend hours varnishing and painting. 

Trim and tidy!

If there are overgrown trees and bushes, cut them back by removing any dead branches first, then trim them back to a manageable size, and you’ll be surprised by how much extra space you’ll suddenly have. Give the lawn its first cut of the season, but if the grass is worn away or difficult to grow, why not consider child and pet-friendly artificial grass for beauty and ease of maintenance.

Spring is the best time to clean your greenhouse, fencing, patio or paved areas. Use a power washer for the best results to remove dirt and moss built up over the winter months. While you’re at it, why not give your garden tools a clean to eliminate bacteria build-up, which could harm plants. Clean and prepare your lawnmower too. If your tools are a bit past their prime, then you might find it better for you and your garden to pick up some new ones. Whether you need a new leaf blower or lawnmower, you can find some great deals online for the perfect ones that accompany your gardening style.

Make your garden welcoming

a bench and trees with lights
Photo by Ella de Kross on Unsplash

Once you’ve worked out your planting scheme and you’ve cleaned and tidied everything, now is the time to work on making the garden a beautiful and welcoming space for family and friends.

Arrange colourful and luxurious throws and cushions on and around your garden furniture for maximum comfort day and night. Then beautify your containers or trees and shrubs with fairy lights or drape them around doors, gazebos and garden buildings. Finish by lighting up borders or pathways with solar-powered lights.

a patio with chairs and umbrella

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