Pirate Bean’s Treasure Chest

The current topic in Little Bean’s class this week is Pirates and Little Bean is LOVING it! On Monday she had to go to school dressed as a Pirate . . .


Of course, Beanie Boy didn’t want to miss out on the fun so he donned his Pirate gear at home too.

Little Bean has had to do various Pirate tasks at school including writing a Pirate book, taking part in a Pirate Show, learning Pirate lingo, singing Pirate shantys (songs) and she has to take in her own Treasure Chest full of her special things to show to her classmates so Mummy has been busy this evening making a Treasure Chest to Pirate Bean’s specific instructions – she is one hard taskmaster let me tell you – oooh aaahhh!!

Treasure Chest

Pirate Bean has been making us all laugh though as she has been practising her Pirate lingo around the house, she keeps saying “do you know what parrots say Mummy?” so not wanting to steal her limelight i say “no sweetheart I don’t?” and she replies “pieces of bait, pieces of bait” I have tried to correct her but sometimes I just have to giggle to myself and smile sweetly at her.

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