How well do you really know what’s going on in your body? Wouldn’t it be nice to have an advanced warning that all is not well, or indeed that you are in fact in tip-top condition? Given an early warning that something could be amiss means that you can make a change and put things right before it’s too late.
Why choose Randox Health Checks

Before I became a parent I tried to stay healthy but I didn’t really think about long-term health, the moment I fell pregnant with Little Bean my whole outlook on life changed, all of a sudden I became aware of my own mortality and have made a more conscious effort to take care of myself because I want to give myself every possible chance of always being there for my family, to watch them grow and have families of their own.
I was recently contacted by Randox Health Checks and asked if I would like to review one of their Health Screening packages. The Randox health reviews are one of the first and only health assessments that not only check your current health but also screens for early markers for a variety of diseases and are the culmination of 30 years of experience using the latest cutting-edge biochip technology.
Randox Finsbury Circus
I visited their clinic in Finsbury Circus, London which was a very impressive sight to behold. I had to attend with Beanie Boy so getting in and out of the clinic wasn’t very easy as there were quite a few steps up to the main door and down into the lobby. I couldn’t find disabled access so if you need this then you might need to enquire or request help when you get there. Alternatively, it is possible for the procedure to take place either in your home or place of work.
The pods which you can see below are private booths with touch-screen computers so you can find out more about the services available to you without others being able to hear what you are enquiring about. Obviously for some people the reasons behind wanting a health check could be very sensitive so these four can give you the privacy you need.
What happens at a Health Check?

On arrival, I was asked to complete a medical and lifestyle questionnaire before my appointment began. I had been asked to fast for 12 hours before my appointment so that my blood samples weren’t affected by anything that I might have consumed. I was given the Atlas Package which comprises 137 individual tests (133 for males).
During my appointment with a qualified healthcare professional, I had to provide a urine sample, blood samples, my height and weight were measured and I had to perform a lung test by blowing into a measuring device. My appointment lasted approximately half an hour and before I left I was offered a snack and drink from the refreshment area in reception. I chose yummy granola with fruit and yoghurt and a delicious raspberry juice drink.
Health Check Results
Within a week I received a comprehensive report which was sent by special delivery to my home address and then followed up with a telephone consultation to explain the report to me. The follow-up conversation is a very worthwhile exercise because when I read through the report myself, despite it being very clear and easy to read, I tried to “read between the lines” which in all honesty is never a good idea and I had myself down has had kidney problems.
In actual fact the markers which had highlighted issues with my kidney function were all as they should when pregnant, especially at only 6 weeks pregnant which I was at the time. The consultant explained to me that the only areas I needed to talk to my GP about were a slightly low functioning thyroid and virtually no Vitamin D but this is apparently quite common in the UK as we have a lack of sunshine (you don’t say!).
How much are Randox Health Check Packages
Health Screening packages start from as little as £150 through to £1,995 for a Randox full body health check. The menu is constantly evolving and expanding as new tests are developed. To find the screening package for you head over to Randox Health Checks.
Wow that looks completely amazing! I wish I had £150+ to give it a go – been a bit concerned about my health post-baby… beg them for a giveaway prize and you’d be a PR machine!