Is Breastfeeding easy or a learned skill?

When I found out I was pregnant with Lillie, I instinctively knew I would breastfeed her. I had never done it before. I hadn’t been around anyone who had breastfed their child, but still, I knew it was what I wanted. Come on, how difficult could it be? I have breasts; I would have a baby—surely it would just be a case of sticking her mouth to the boob; she would suck away as a baby does on a bottle, and hey presto! Er, no, actually, not quite as simple as that!

Getting Started


Whilst in the delivery room being stitched up, the midwife asked me if I wanted to attempt feeding her myself and if I wanted her to show me how it was done. I said, “Yes, please.” As she started telling me to massage my breast with the flat of my hand towards the nipple, my mind started to realise that perhaps there was more to breastfeeding than meets the eye.

Great advice

Next, she’s telling me to hold Lillie to me, “skin to skin,” “mummy to tummy,” and “nose to nipple”—eh”? I’m not sticking it up her nose, am I? No, but putting the baby’s nose to the nipple means (a) she will smell the milk and (b) she will be in the correct position to “latch on.” “The nipple needs to be aimed upwards into the baby’s mouth so that it hits the soft palate at the back,” she said. Already, I was feeling confused, but I listened. Luckily, Lillie cottoned on to this much quicker than me and nailed it the first time. She fed for about 15 minutes.

Going Solo

Back in the ward, I tried to remember all that I had been told and attempted to do it again, but it just didn’t work. Lillie’s head kept bobbing on and off my breast, painfully sucking the skin around the outside, totally missing the nipple—quickly, she became stressed, and as a result, I did too!

The worst 24 hours

What followed over the next 24 hours was a succession of midwives eager to keep me on the breastfeeding path. Some of them were really nice and understanding; others, I’m sorry to say, treated me rather like a piece of meat, pulling my breast and ramming Lillie’s head onto it. This was not a helpful approach; I felt stressed out, and Lillie cried.

Not giving in

When Hubby came to see me during visiting hours, I begged him in tears not to leave me there; I was dreading a night alone in the hospital with an upset baby and an army of midwives. We discussed whether or not I should continue trying to breastfeed or give up and do formula instead, but this didn’t feel right to me. I’m stubborn; I don’t give in easily, so I decided to forge ahead with it for another day or so.

A different approach

As our second night in the hospital began, I was approached by a lovely midwife (I think she was my fairy godmother). She was calm and understanding, a slightly older lady; she felt more like an old friend. This lady sat down with me, talked, and made Lillie and me feel at ease.


She didn’t rush, grab, or shove, and this approach worked; with her patience, at about 1:45 am, Little Bean latched on well and fed for 45 minutes!!! I was so happy; I cried and, through the tears, managed to send a text to Hubby to tell him the good news. He said that he felt relieved, too, as he felt so bad leaving me in the hospital in that state. We continued to feed well throughout the night, with Little Bean latching on the right each time.

One step backwards

When we returned home, we took a slight backwards turn as we both struggled with latching on again, but I took myself off to Lillie’s nursery, closed the door, stripped her off, took my top off, and went right back to “skin to skin.” For a little while, we just cuddled together until slowly she found her way to the breast and latched on perfectly.


I want to say that is how it continued from there, but it didn’t. The day after my milk came in, I felt awful. My breasts were bigger than Lillie’s head, and one of them was bright red, lumpy, and hot to the touch. I was cold, hurting all over, and sweating buckets.

As it turned out, I had mastitis, which is an infection of the milk ducts—not surprising considering how sore and cracked my nipples had become after the first few days of feeding (a normal part of breastfeeding, which does get better!)  I spoke to my Auntie, who had four children herself, all of whom she breastfed.  She had suffered from mastitis, too.

Treating Mastitis

She recommended that I lay in a bath of hot water and massage the breast, expressing some of the milk to relieve the pressure. It was almost as painful as childbirth, but it felt much better once the pressure had eased. I went to the doctor, who prescribed me a course of antibiotics that were safe to use whilst breastfeeding and sent me on my way. I woke up the next day feeling like a different person, but I know of mothers who suffered for weeks.

Expressing Milk

At 6 weeks, I began expressing milk so that Hubby could join in the fun of feeding (and give me a break) by giving Lillie her bedtime bottle. Lillie took the bottle to the water like a duck, going happily between the breast and the bottle. We never looked back—until we reached weaning, but that’s a whole other story!!

5 months of breastfeeding

I aimed to breastfeed Lillie until 6 months; I managed 5 months, so I was pretty pleased with myself. At 5 months, I felt that my milk had dried up, but looking back, I think Lillie had probably just hit a growth spurt, and I misread the signs.

Breast to Formula

During a baby’s growth spurt, they will want to feed more often to increase Mum’s milk supply. What a mum feels during this time is that she has no milk left to give because the baby is feeding so frequently. Lillie was so unsettled and crying each time she went to the breast, so I thought I had run out of milk. I went out straight away and bought formula, beginning the transition from breast to formula. Each week, I dropped a feed until, eventually, she had no breast milk at all—and then I cried—when I felt like I had failed her.

Ollie’s Breastfeeding Journey – a different story

Breastfeeding clothing

With Ollie, I breastfed again. The initial feed in the delivery room went well, and every feed after that. We only needed to stay in the hospital for one night and continued well when we went home.

I had the initial few days of sore, cracked nipples again until they had toughened up a bit, but lanolin cream saw me through the worst of it, with a couple of feeds using nipple shields. Once they were better, I removed the shields and fed them “as nature intended.” Unfortunately, Ollie didn’t take the time to express feeding as his big sister did, so we had to keep stopping and trying. He was over 6 months old before he accepted a bottle.

La Leche League Breastfeeding Peer Counsellor

During my time with Ollie, I trained with La Leche League to become a breastfeeding peer Counsellor to help other Mums struggling with breastfeeding. One evening, I found Hubby sitting, reading my course handouts on breastfeeding, and I asked him what he thought. He said he couldn’t believe just how much there was to think about breastfeeding.

Despite my initial feeding troubles with Lillie, he still thought it was a case of just sticking the baby to the breast and letting them get on with it. He didn’t realise everything we needed to master and consider. He said that he could totally understand why some people find it so hard and, in many cases, give up. There’s no shame in it; being fed is best whichever way they get it.

Breastfeeding isn’t for everyone

My Mum breastfed me for 2 weeks—she said that she couldn’t stand the pain anymore. The reality is that she most likely didn’t have me latched on correctly and had access to a midwife, health visitor, or breastfeeding Counsellor. They could probably have assisted her in correcting the latch to make it less painful and enable her to continue breastfeeding. I turned out fine; I have grown up to be a strong and healthy woman regardless of how I was fed as a baby.

Don’t be bullied

One of my mummy friends was as determined as me that she was going to breastfeed. Before her daughter’s birth, she hadn’t purchased any feeding bottles as she didn’t think she would need them.

Unfortunately for her, breastfeeding didn’t happen despite her best efforts, and so Hubby was sent out to buy bottles ready for their return home. I know that this is something she has always struggled with; thanks to the midwives and health visitors who so keenly pushed breastfeeding, she felt that she had failed as a mother. This is not something that any new Mum needs to feel when your emotions are all over the place anyway.

Everyone is different

Another of my mummy friends was able to breastfeed for four days but couldn’t keep up with her baby’s demands, so she too turned to formula, which worked well for them.

Each family has their circumstances and tales to tell. For some, it works perfectly; it’s a struggle, and others do not want to breastfeed full stop. And that is each family’s decision; we should all be given the respect we deserve for making our decisions. Not made to feel that one is a better parent than another or that one parent has failed before they have begun.

4 thoughts on “Is Breastfeeding easy or a learned skill?”

  1. Hi Sabrina,
    Can we meet up and chat. Would love you to come to the centre and talk about breastfeeding support. Perhaps also a feeding support group, including bottle. Let me know when you are free xx

  2. Oh its fabulous you’ve been able to breastfeed – I definitely do not find it a natural skill and would place myself in the absolute rubbish at it category… I’m so hoping to be able to do it this time around – I have friends who do it, who I’m hoping will be of support and I shall be asking a zillion questions of anyone who mentions the word breast!!

    • If I can help you at all, then you only have to ask. It is an amazing feeling to be able to do something so special for your baby but it can be a tough journey, particularly so in the beginning. I shall keep my fingers crossed for you xx

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