Your Guide to Switching Business Water Supplier in the UK

Non-household water users located in England and Scotland can now choose their water supplier, no matter how much water they use. However, the open energy market for businesses in the UK is still quite new, only having opened in April 2017, which holds some customers back from switching. Research has found that only over 40% of UK businesses and other non-household customers are aware that they can change their water supplier. Switching your water supply and negotiating with a new supplier can be very beneficial to your business, with a range of perks, including improved customer service, reduced rates, better water efficiency and more on offer.

How the Business Water Market Works in the UK

Your Guide to Switching Business Water Supplier in the UK
Photo by Imani on Unsplash

The business water market in England and Scotland is the largest of its kind worldwide. You can check out other worldwide water rates at Utility Bidder if you’d like to compare. The water market in England means that over a million organisations no longer need to stick with their regional water supplier and decide which supplier to use. As well as water and wastewater, business water retailers may also offer various additional services for businesses, including water audits, detection and repair of leaks, metering, legionella services and more. The market is regulated and monitored by Ofwat.

Are You Eligible to Switch?

If you run a UK business, you may be eligible to switch your water supplier and get a better deal. To switch supplier, you will need to operate at least one business site in England or Scotland. Businesses located in Wales or Northern Ireland are currently unable to change water supplier. The majority of businesses and other organisations located in England and Scotland qualify, although there are a few exemptions. For example, businesses that use the premises for business purposes only can make the switch. Home-based businesses are not usually eligible.

How to Switch

How to switch business water supplier

For non-household customers, making the switch to a new water supplier is a relatively straightforward process. In England, twenty-four retail water suppliers are serving the business and commercial market. Customers can make sure that they are getting the best deal by using comparison sites or contacting several suppliers to quote. Businesses can also negotiate with water suppliers to get a price that works well for them or to get access to a wider range of services.

Water Supply Brokers

You can also learn more about the best deals available for your business water supply by using a third-party intermediary (TPI) or broker. Although these services do not directly supply water to businesses, they can often broker deals on behalf of clients. They are often a popular choice for larger businesses since they can save a lot of time for the business by contacting different water suppliers. Some brokers also provide additional services like water audits that might be beneficial for a business.

If you run a business in England or Scotland, it makes sense to take advantage of the open retail market and switch water supplier for better service and cheaper rates.

Your Guide to Switching Business Water Supplier in the UK 1

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