Finding a bit of ‘me’ time in 2016

When I was at Grammar School there was one sport which I used to actually enjoy doing (I wasn’t the biggest fan of PE) but I did love Cross Country running and over the years I got pretty good at it. In fact, one year I was even invited to represent the school in an inter-schools competition and I didn’t do bad. I didn’t win but out of over 400 participants, I came in the top 50 so I was quite happy at that.

Before getting married and having the Beans both Hubby and I would regularly attend the gym and we were both very fit and healthy. Of course, having young children can make it difficult to keep up that kind of lifestyle so the gym slowly went by the wayside. I did start going again for a little while after Beanie Boy was born but when I found out I was pregnant with Jelly Bean, I had knee problems and had to stop altogether.Me time

As 2016 arrived I decided enough with all the excuses, I am not happy with the way that I look and feel in my clothes so I want to tone up and get fitter again. Last week after dropping Jelly Bean at preschool I came home and did an exercise DVD in the comfort of the lounge, it was my Davina 7 which I bought and enjoyed last year. By Tuesday morning my legs were really hurting from my previous days’ exercises but rather than making myself comfortable on the sofa and feeling sorry for myself, I put on my trainers, wrapped myself up, plugged in the iPod and went for a fast-paced walk. It was FREEZING and RAINING but I told myself ‘no excuses’ and I felt so proud of myself when I arrived home an hour later.

On Wednesday my car was at the garage which is the other side of our town so with Jelly Bean wrapped up in the pushchair I frogmarched back home and later walked back to the garage to collect my car.

Thursday morning I dressed for a run before taking Jelly Bean to preschool so that I could set off as soon as I arrived back home. I was feel pretty good so I decided to make a start on interval running and surprised myself by how easy I found it. I made sure that I did lots of stretching when I got home, made myself a yummy fruit smoothie and then went for a warming shower. I felt energised for the rest of the day.

Me time

On Sunday morning I woke up early with the Beans and decided that I would go out for a run again at 9am. Hubby woke up to be with the Beans and I went out for a run, I must have passed 15-20 other runners and it felt great to see others out enjoying themselves. I did an interval run again but I definitely found it easier than I had on Thursday.

Yesterday and today I have been full of cold so I’m feeling disappointed that I haven’t managed to get out but I am intending on doing some Yoga when the Beans have gone to bed this evening. Wish me luck!!

How do you motivate yourself to exercise?

2 thoughts on “Finding a bit of ‘me’ time in 2016”

    • It does make so much different to your mood when you have exercised, I haven’t been feeling well this week so after last week’s great start, I’m feeling bad for not doing anything this week 🙁


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