Keeping your home clean does not need to eat up all of your time. There are many ways to organise cleaning time into manageable bits that still get the job done.
What works for you?

You can better organise your cleaning time when you understand what works for you. Some cleaning personalities do best with lists of chores, others prefer a weekly routine, and still, others find the cleaning doesn’t get done. The first step to organising your cleaning time is determining which method works best for you and your family.
Lists or charts of regular cleaning chores are one way to organise cleaning time. Lists work especially well for families with children. Cleaning lists can include daily, weekly, and monthly household chores.
Weekly routines

If you create your own weekly cleaning schedule, it is easier to get the cleaning done. Start with a list of your regular cleaning chores and customise it to your schedule. You can do one room each day or create a daily schedule, such as:
Mondays – mending, ironing, washing
Tuesdays – bathrooms
Wednesdays – wall, windows, and dusting
Thursdays – random projects, such as cleaning the oven or watering houseplants
Fridays – floors
One of the easiest ways to get and keep your home clean is to do multiple jobs simultaneously. For example, while the washing machine is running, mop a floor. As you watch your favourite television show, catch up on mending, ironing, or folding clothes. After microwaving something that produces steam, grab a paper towel and give the microwave a quick swipe. These little steps add up to a cleaner home without taking up valuable time.
One thing at a time
Another way to organise housework is to pick one task at a time. Give yourself 15 minutes. Set a timer and get started. One helpful cleaning tip is to start each day by making your bed. It will be one chore done, and your bedroom will look better right from the start.
Use the right tools & keep them handy
Using the right tools for each household task makes cleaning faster and easier. Be sure to use a clean sponge and empty your vacuum after each use. A handy carrier can hold most of your cleaning supplies, or you can store the supplies used in each room in those rooms.
Housework does not have to take up a lot of time. Organising your cleaning schedule in a way that works for you and your family ensures that the work gets done efficiently, leaving you more time to relax with family and friends in your beautiful, clean home.
Lists are key for me, I’m forever forgetting which tasks I’ve completed and which ones still need doing
That’s just it, as Mums are minds are always full of a 1001 things which need doing, where would we be without our lists?
I so need more help with things like this. I end up doing everything in one big chunk and then exhausting myself. Great tips here.
Oh yes, I know this one well. I definitely feel better when I tackle them in bitesize chunks x
I find a routine works best for me. I wish the kids would help me more though as it’s hard to keep up having to clean up after all 3 of them.
Hearing you loud and clear, as a family of 6, the mess seems neverending. When I ask my kids to help I must admit they are very good, they just need a quick reminder every now and then 🙂
what an informative article! there are so many thing I didnt know, this helped me a lot!
That’s great to hear, I’m really pleased you have found it useful x
I have to clean when the mood takes me and try and blitz the place. Multitasking is good though if you can get a load of laundry in whilst getting on with other things.
Haha if I wait for the mood to take me then the house would never get clean 😉
I definitely need to be making more lists! Once I start I can’t stop, that’s the problem!
I’m good at making them but then I have a habit of losing them which isn’t very useful.
I think we could do with some kind of schedule. At the moment we seem to cram all our chores and cleaning in to Saturday, then complain half our weekend is gone.
That’s how I always felt too, I have found that we are keeping the house much cleaner and it’s less of a chore if we do a quick 30-minute blast each day and everyone helps 🙂
These are very good tips as I’m absolutely rubbish at house chores. hate them to be honest but it must be done. And with a little organisation it all seems a bit easier.
Household chores are rarely fun, are they? At least with a little organisation, you can see exactly what you need to do and not get bogged down with a whole day of chores 🙂
an article full of information I definitely need? thank you for sharing this, learned a lot :))
You’re welcome, I’m pleased that you found it helpful.
I didn’t know any of those things, learned a lot with this article, thank you :)))
Happy to help, no excuses now 😉
I like a list and routine but theres always something else to do! I get easily distracted!
I know distraction very well, I’m working on it 😉