Fed up with soggy sandwiches??

Fed up with soggy sandwiches?? 7

I hated having a packed lunch when i was at school, everything just seemed warm and squashed and not how food should be. Recently Little Bean has been complaining that her sandwiches weren’t nice. When i asked her why she would say “they keep getting wet!”. That was when i realised there was a problem … Read more

A 4 year old with a social life!

A 4 year old with a social life! 8

It’s been a while since Curly first started school and we spent weekend after weekend attending birthday parties or scouring the shops for birthday presents. As he progressed through school the parties became less and less as friendship groups became more exclusive and the price of parties and entertainment became more expensive. Well now it’s … Read more

Our first ‘pleasant’ meal out as a family of 6!

Our first ‘pleasant’ meal out as a family of 6! 10

Eating out as a family should be a pleasurable experience, I’ve no doubt that many families take it for granted when they take their children out to a nice restaurant and order their food from the menu. On Friday we made our way into Peterborough so that Hubby could have his eyes tested and we … Read more