When I was a baby my Mum saved up each week to buy me a Beatrix Potter book until she had bought me the complete set. Growing up those books were always a part of my childhood and I still have them now. They will always be very special to me because I know how much it meant to my Mum to buy them for me.
Beatrix Potter

The Beans have thankfully followed in my footsteps and love Beatrix Potter too, I have read the tales to them since they were small and of course these days they get to watch Peter Rabbit on the TV too.
Celebrating 150 Years
This year marks 150 years since the birth of Beatrix Potter, the author who has captured the hearts and minds of children around the world for years through her beautifully illustrated tales. In celebration of this date, fans will now have the opportunity to watch a special boxed set collection of stories on DVD – The Beatrix Potter Collection – from Abbey Home Media which will be in stores from 7th March 2016 just in time to make the perfect Easter gift.
We have received The Beatrix Potter Collection to review and it has been a blast of nostalgia for me but it is a chance to create new memories with my Beans too. We have been watching the DVDs after school curled up under a blanket. Little Bean likes one of my favourite tales from childhood; The Tale of Mrs Tiggy-Winkle and Mr Jeremy Fisher. Beanie Boy loves The Tale of Samuel Whiskers and The Roly-Poly Pudding and Jelly Bean just seems to love them all and watches them on repeat.
The DVD set features the complete collection of classic Peter Rabbit episodes getting up to mischief with his friends Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddleduck, Pigling Bland and my personal favourite Mrs Tiggy Winkle. The three DVDs include 9 beautifully animated stories based on the Peter Rabbit books.
The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends
The Tale of Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny, The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies and Mrs. Tittlemouse, and The Tale of Tom Kitten and Jemima Puddle-Duck
The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle and Mr. Jeremy Fisher and other stories:
The Tale of Mrs Tiggy-Winkle and Mr Jeremy Fisher, The Tale of Mr Tod: The Further Adventures of Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny, and The Tale of Two Bad Mice and Johnny Town-Mouse
The Tale of Pigling Bland and other stories:
The Tale of Pigling Bland, The Tale of Samuel Whiskers or The Roly-Poly Pudding and The Tailor of Gloucester
Certificate: U
Available from all good DVD stockists
Running time: 231 minutes
As to be Peter rabbit àlways from a young child
Squirrel Nutkins!
peter rabbit
Peter Rabbit
I love Benjamin Bunny!
Peter Rabbit
we’re peter fans here
benjamin bunny
I love Benjamin bunny x
Peter rabbit love his character
I like Jemima Puddleduck. 🙂
Mrs Tiggywinkle
Benjamin Bunny 🙂
Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, I love hedgehogs. Not so keen on laundry though.
Squirrel Nutkin is my favourite!
Peter Rabbit
I like Jeremy Fisher.
Jeremy Fisher.
I love Jemima Puddle Duck
Mrs Tiggy Winkle
Mrs Tiggy Winkle
Peter Rrabbit he reminds me of my little girl a little bit naughty but mostly good 🙂
Mrs tiggywinkle
we love Benjamin bunny x
My favourite character is Jemima Puddleduck
Peter rabbit.
Mr. McGregor!
I love Benjamin Bunny!
Peter Rabbit as he is so mischevious!
Benjamin bunny !
I love Peter Rabbit
Mrs Tiggy Winkle is my favourite
Peter Rabbit 🙂
Peter Rabbit
Peter rabbit
It was Mrs TiggyWinkle as always loved hedgehogs… BUT then we took on an allotment and started growing our own, so I find myself sympathising more with Mr McGregor!
Jemima Puddleduck.
Peter Rabbit
Jemima Puddleduck because I love ducks :).
Tom kitten
benjamin bunny
I love Jemima Puddleduck
Peter Rabbit
Definitely Peter Rabbit.
Peter Rabbit
I like mr Tod, from the tale of mr Tod book about a badger and his enemy a fox
Peter Rabbit
Mrs Tiggy-Winkle is my favourite
Peter Rabbit
Petter rabbit
Peter rabbit
Mrs Tiggy Winkle or me.
Peter Rabbit
benjamin bunny rabbit
Jemima Puddleduck
Tom Kitten
Tom Kitten (it’s what my husband is down as in my contacts)
love Peter Rabbit
Peter Rabbit
Squirrel Nutkin is very cheeky!
Mrs Tiggywinkle 🙂
Miss Tiggy Winkle
Miss Tiggy Winkle
Peter Rabbit <3
Mrs Tiggywinkle
Tiggy Winkle
Peter Rabbit
Mrs Tittlemouse
definitely peter rabbit 🙂
Mrs Tiggywinkle
i love ginger and pickles!
Cottontail. So cute!
Benjamin Bunny! I love the way he’s so realistic, representing everyone’s fears xx
Benjamin Bunny
Tabitha Twitchit
Peter rabbit 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Peter Rabbit will always be my fave xx
Benjamin bunny
Benjamin Bunny
Mrs Tiggywinkle
Tom Kitten
Jemima Puddleduck <3
Jemima Puddle Duck
Jemima Puddleduck!
Peter Rabbit, little adventurer…. lovely blue coat 🙂
Jemima Puddleduck!
Squirrel Nutkin was always my favourite. x
Squirrel Nutkins
Jemima Puddle-Duck
Peter Rabbit
Peter Rabbit
Peter Rabbit!
Peter Rabbit
mrs tiggy winkle
jemima puddleduck!
Mrs tiggy winkle
Jemima Puddleduck is my favourite x
Benjamin Bunny
peter rabbit
Peter Rabbit
Jemima Puddleduck!
Mrs Tiggywinkle
Peter rabbit
Aunt Pettitoes
Mrs Tiggy-Winkle
Peter Rabbit is my favourite.
Cotton tail
Pigling Bland
Peter Rabbit
Peter Rabbit
Mrs Tiggywinkle
Cotton tail
Peter Rabbit
The accident prone Mr Jeremy Fisher
Jemima Puddle-Duck
Peter Rabbit
I love the hapless Mr McGregor but am not sure why.
Mrs Tiggy Winkle
Peter Rabbit
Peetr Rabbit
Peter Rabbit is my sons favourite – he sleeps with his cuddly rabbit every night ????
Peter Rabbit
My favourite Beatrix Potter character has to be Peter Rabbit 🙂
My daughter’s favourite is Peter Rabbit!
Peetr Rabbit
Peter Rabbit 🙂
Peter Rabbit is our favourite.
Mrs Tiggy Winkle
Peter rabbit
Squirrel Nutkin
Benjamin Bunny
Mrs Tiggywinkle
Peter Rabbit
Mrs Tiggy Winkle
Benjamin Bunny
Mrs Tiggly Winks
Jemima Puddleduck
Peter Rabbit 🙂