If there’s one thing that I used to dream about in becoming a Mum, it was all the cuddles that I was hoping would come in abundance. Thankfully, all of my children are very cuddly and like to snuggle up on the sofa with me and Daddy. I love that closeness, the warmth that only a hug can bring. But earlier this week, when Little Bean was giving her Daddy a big hug, she squeezed him really tight, and the following conversation took place . . .
Daddy: Oooh, what a lovely big cuddle, thank you.
Little Bean: You’re welcome.
Daddy: Do you know what the best thing in the world is?
**Little Bean thinks for a few moments**
Little Bean: Mummy!!
**Cue me getting all teary and mushy before scooping Little Bean up for a big cuddle**
What have your children said to you lately that has melted your heart?
Oh that is so telling and heart-warming. Did she have the biggest cuddle in the world after that?