Pampering Gifts Ideas this Christmas

Pampering gifts

The world is busy, and most people feel that they don’t have enough time to take care of themselves. So, what better way to be pampered than with one of these thoughtful presents or pampering gifts? Every year, we look for new and creative ways to give gifts so we can show our loved ones … Read more

Holiday beauty: 5 suitcase essentials for looking flawless this summer


Packing for a holiday as a mum is a trial, especially when your chosen airline’s baggage allowance is far from generous. As well as your kids’ clothes, their favourite toys they absolutely cannot survive one week without, and a mini pharmacy for any accidents or colds that strike whilst you’re abroad, you’ve somehow got to … Read more

10 tips to ensure a Good Hair Day

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If there is one aspect of my ‘beauty routine’ that will guarantee whether I feel good or bad about myself, it’s my hair. It is pretty much the first thing that people will notice when they see you like your hair is more visible than say your make-up at a distance. I always notice others’ … Read more

Get bigger savings at Poundworld Plus

Poundworld Plus

On Friday Jelly Bean and I visited newly refurbished and renamed store, Poundworld Plus in Wisbech. It is the second Poundworld Plus to open following the Nottingham store in September. Poundworld Plus is part of the already successful Poundworld group but it’s more that just a ‘pound shop’. Approximately 75% of their products are priced … Read more