Growing business? Tips for moving your office out of the family home

Growing Business

At least to start with, running a growing business at home can be a lot of fun. After all, it would spare you need to fret about a time-draining and costly commute, while you can tailor your working hours to accommodate your other personal obligations, such as raising a family. However, as the firm grows, … Read more

How to Start a New Self-Employed Business

How to Start a New Self-Employed Business

Becoming self-employed is a bold move to make, I know because I have been there. More and more people are going down the self-employed route these days, so there’s clearly something in it! However, just like with anything else, it can also be a foolish move to make if you don’t know what you’re doing! … Read more

What Will Happen With Trademarks And IP After Brexit?

For the last 21 years, businesses from EU-member states were able to register a single trademark that was deemed valid by the EU Trademark Registration (EUTM) in all 26 countries (or 28 since 2014). Britain’s imminent withdrawal from the European Union, however, has thrown a seed of uncertainty among trademark owners across the region. Under … Read more