Every now and then an email drops into your inbox which really puts a smile on your face. The most recent of those emails was one saying that I had been nominated to receive a SnUGGly pair of slippers from UGG Australia by my friend Karin. Karin had recently reviewed the UGG slippers herself and was asked if she would like to nominate someone else to receive a pair to review. Karin, knowing the rather rubbish time I have been having lately with ill health and a less than smooth pregnancy thought I might like a new pair of slippers for my hospital bag.

Now I hate to admit it, but in my ignorance, I didn’t actually realise that UGG even made slippers and I would go even further to say that I didn’t realise that they actually made boots/shoes/accessories other than those first UGGs which appeared in shops oh-so-many-years-ago. So when I looked on their website to find the slippers for me, I fell in love with more than just a few pairs of boots, this could end up being a very expensive review for me indeed!!
A few days ago the courier knocked on my door and handed me a box which contained my lovely new slippers, honestly, they are so comfortable, warm and sturdy, I don’t think I will ever have to buy another pair of slippers again. When Hubby first saw them, he asked if they had a steel toe cap too. Not because they look big and bulky but because he was so impressed by the depth of the sole. They are better than some outdoor boots I own!!
What I really like is how soft the sheepskin is and how well it regulates the heat in my feet. If you were to touch my feet you would say that they were always freezing but to me, they are always hot so in the past I have steered clear of slippers because they make my feet too warm but not so with the UGGs, my feet have remained comfortable and sweat-free! Phew, I hear my Husband sigh!
But back to their boots, have you seen these . . .
. . . aren’t they gorgeous!!!
Fab!!! Glad you like them. Those boots are gorgeous too! 😉