Share your kids’ Ultimate Green Space with Regatta

We spend a lot of time outdoors in green space as a family. It has always been our happy place where we can run, walk, explore and find adventure. We even take most of our family holidays outdoors with our many camping trips because we love it that much!

Less time spent outdoors

One brand which features heavily in our house is Regatta. They embrace all that we love about being outdoors, and they feel strongly that all children should have access to a safe outdoor space.

With the lockdowns due to Covid-19 over the past year, it was found that children have been spending less time outdoors, according to a survey by Natural England, which was published in October 2020. The survey revealed that six in 10 children had spent less time outdoors since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and 70 per cent want to spend more time outdoors with friends after the pandemic.

Ultimate Green Space Designs

Unfortunately, we are still a little way off from being fully free and not having to stop and think about where we are, who we are near and what we are doing. To help children look to the future, Regatta is inviting children to design their Ultimate Green Space. It could contain anything their heart desires, the more adventurous, the better! You can share your kids’ designs online to join the conversation using #OurGreenSpace.

Albie, aged 8

Share your kids' Ultimate Green Space with Regatta

Albie is definitely happiest when outdoors. He loves any excuse to play outside; even the weather won’t affect his decision or enjoyment. At 8 years old, Albie decided that his ultimate green space would have a huge rollercoaster (although so far, he doesn’t actually like them – I think he thought it would be fun for Lillie and Ollie). Last year for the lockdown, we bought a hot tub, Albie’s favourite part of the garden, so I wasn’t surprised to see he had added a hot tub to his design, heart-spaced no less. He wanted a football pitch for a kickabout with the family, a big trampoline and a swing set.

Ollie, aged 10

Share your kids' Ultimate Green Space with Regatta

Ollie let his imagination run wild when designing his ultimate green space. Ollie loves to run, jump, climb, play ball and swim, so his space has been filled with everything he loves, including a food truck selling hot dogs. In his design, he has included a football pitch to practice with his team, a Harry Potter Seesaw, which is two broomsticks with smoke blooms for handles, an Ogre climbing frame, pull-up bars and a hot tub with a waterfall into a swimming pool. He even thought to include a bench to sit and watch him, and trees climb when he got bored of the Ogre.

Lillie, aged 12

Share your kids' Ultimate Green Space with Regatta

It’s good to see that Lillie is that little bit older, her ultimate green space has a different vibe to it. Lillie loves nature and is currently very interested in photography so I wasn’t surprised to see her Blossom trees which lead to a chill-out seating area. She wants a BBQ area for friends and family gatherings, in-floor trampolines, swings and slides and a skate park. On the far side she has put a cafe with seating area because she knows I love to grab a latte.

6 thoughts on “Share your kids’ Ultimate Green Space with Regatta”

    • I think it’s an interesting activity to do with the children to see where their imagination takes them. It also helps to plan for days out as you know what they consider to be fun.

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