Little Bean’s a ‘mini’ Mummy

On Saturday night Beanie Boy excitedly packed his bags and went to stay at Nanna’s house for a sleepover which meant that we were left at home with Little Bean and Jelly Bean. As soon as we told Little Bean that Beanie Boy was going to Nanna’s house she declared that she would sleep in his bed so that Jelly Bean wasn’t alone. It also meant that we were able to spend some quality time with Little Bean once Jelly Bean was in bed so we cracked open a couple of board games and had some much needed Mummy/Daddy/Daughter time and we all loved it.

Mini Mummy

In the morning around 6.45am I awoke to heart Little Bean had crept into our bedroom to tell Daddy that she was awake. Daddy asked if she wanted a cuddle but she refused saying “no Daddy, I have left Jelly Bean on his own so I’m going back to bed”. She crept her way back to the boys’ bedroom by which time Jelly Bean had woken up too. I watched on the video monitor as she kissed him on the forehead saying “good morning sweetheart, you need to lay back down” and then she gently held his hands and encouraged him to lay back down again. Amazingly, he did so for a few moments before sitting back up and looking across the room to where she lay. What next followed was a rather comical exchange between the two of them as she kept getting out of bed and laying him back down and then he kept sitting up which he found rather amusing. By this point she was telling him “no Jelly Bean it’s NOT funny, lay down!”. Up he popped again and again, the more he did it, the more he giggled and the more she scolded him until one time when he lost his balance and fell forward hitting his face on the bars. Quick as a flash Little Bean was out of bed and by his side giving him kisses and cuddles telling him “it’s ok sweetheart, did you bump your face? Naughty bed!”.

Mini Mummy

Little Bean is getting very confident with Jelly Bean now, sometimes a little too confident with him as she comes walking down the hallway carrying him. I am frightened to death that one of these days she is going to drop him but I know that she means well and she does it because she loves him so much. Mind you, I have to laugh as she will often say to me “when I am a Mummy I will do . . . .” then she stops for a moment and says “actually, I’m not sure if I want to have a baby yet” which is when I generally tell her that she has plenty of time to make up her mind before settling on a final decision.

Oh how I love my ‘mini’ Mummy xxx

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