How to Battle Aging and Thinning Hair in 7 Steps

Time is relentless and it doesn’t spare any part of our lives. With age, your hair also changes—loses colour, thickness, volume and texture, and many women also start losing more strands than usual. Unfortunately, this is something that almost every woman struggles with or will start to struggle with as she ages. While it’s impossible to stop time, you can put up a serious fight and battle hair loss with everything you got.

How to Battle Aging and Thinning Hair in 7 Steps

Here are a few tips that will keep your hair healthy and beautiful as long as possible:

Opt for prescription treatment

prescription treatment

If your hair loss is quite serious and starts interfering with your life and confidence, your safest bet is to see a professional and ask for treatment. There are many ways professionals can treat hair loss, but the most scientific way to treat baldness in females is with hair lotions that contain minoxidil. This medicine does wonders for some women and its effects can include slowing or complete stopping of hair loss, as well as improvement in hair thickness and texture.

Refresh your haircut

Refresh your haircut

Another way you can use professional help to revive your hair is by seeing an experienced hairstylist. With age, long and straight hairstyles will make your hair look unusually flat, so you might consider changing your do. Most stylists recommend a shorter hairstyle for mature ladies—something with layers that stay close to the face. This type of haircut will also flatter your face better since with age we also lose collagen and plumpness so you might love a hairstyle that will soften the sharp lines in the jaw and cheekbones.

Reduce hair washing

Hair washing

If you want to tackle hair loss and other hair issues more naturally at home, here’s a great way to start: reduce your hair washing. Some women need to wash their hair once a week, while others barely last for two days with a refresher—this depends on your hair type—but it’s a fact that washing it too frequently can cause any type of hair to become brittle, dry and dull. Always use the shampoo that’s made for your hair type (there are concoctions made specifically for oily, dry or normal hair and scalp). To minimise your hair-washing habit, you can look into healthy natural hair care and grab a dry shampoo. These are perfect for a post-workout hairdo and will give your hair a refresher without causing damage to your hair.

Get a good conditioner

Hair conditioner

Washing your hair is crucial for hair and scalp health and a staple of hygiene, so it’s something that shouldn’t be skipped. When you wash your hair, make sure to use conditioner after shampooing. This step will feed your hair, give it moisture, replenish its sheen and colour, give it natural oils that you have lost doing washing and allow you to maintain healthy strands for longer. To give your hair some additional plumpness, applying a volumising product will give your hair a boost and give each strand life and volume.

Minimise hair “torture”

Hair torture

With age, you want to allow your hair to relax and get a breather, not the other way around. If you can go natural with hair colour, do it, but if you want to dye it, it’s best to allow a professional to give you colour treatment. A pro will know how to apply the dye safely and choose the best products for your hair and scalp. Also, if your daily hairstyle involves heat styling with blow-drying, curling or straightening, try to cut back on these habits as much as you can. If you must use heat for styling, spray on some heat protection before.

Try a relaxing head massage

Head massage

To boost circulation in the scalp and encourage hair growth, you can start practising a relaxing head massage during washing. This will also clear away dandruff and keep hair healthier.

Tackle the issue from the inside

Hair supplements

You are what you eat—this goes for your hair as well. Firstly, make sure to take enough calories that will feed your hair, but also make sure that your plate is colourful and full of varieties so your curls can enjoy all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

For many women, their hair is their identity and femininity, so losing it can be horrendous for their self-esteem. But with these tips, you can give your hair a fair chance to fight aging and ensure your locks look luscious for longer.

How to Battle Aging and Thinning Hair in 7 Steps 1

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