Guide To Buying Baby Clothes – 6 Important Factors To Consider

Even if you have no desire to have children of your own, you probably classify shopping for baby clothes as one of the sweetest activities you can do. From tiny socks to beautiful dresses, shoes the size of your fingers, and impossibly small denim, baby clothes have evolved, and you can find whatever suits your style.

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Photo by Peter Oslanec on Unsplash

Accordingly, getting carried away and buying whatever strikes your fancy is a common mistake. But if you want to be financially savvy and buy practical, long-lasting, and functional clothes, consider these tips for a positive experience.

Shopping online is easier

It is one thing to buy a dress for your friend’s baby, but if you are shopping for a whole new wardrobe for your newborn, it’s best to have a strategy. When buying your baby’s first clothes, you must consider seasons, size, and amounts, and the easiest way to do this is by shopping online.

A quick Google search like girls clothing Australia will deliver thousands of results. With online shopping, you can search for brands that appeal to you. Maybe you want a particular style or sustainable fabric. The luxury of online shopping is that you can take the time to go over your cart and see if you have everything you need. If you spent more than you were planning on, you can remove some of the items and find clothing that costs less.

Always go for practical

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Photo by Jordan Nix on Unsplash

The word practical might sound boring, but it is best to adopt this practice if you want to make your life easier, especially in the first few weeks as a new mother. It is best to adopt this practice. For instance, fabric-covered buttons are cute, but they become annoying if you must fasten them after every nappy change. Dresses for girls are always sweet, but if your newborn is coming during winter, it is best to stick on onesies and tights to keep them warm. Zippers and clip-on buttons will be your best friends during this time.

Moreover, be sure to determine the number of onesies, tights, and undershirts you will buy for your newborn. In those first few weeks, you will be overwhelmed emotionally and physically. Accordingly, it is best to have a certain number of clothes, so you don’t have to do laundry every single day. You might need to change your baby’s tights or onesie at least twice a day, especially if you plan on giving your baby formula (pooping accidents are more likely to occur when you give your baby formula). For those first few weeks, a safe number of onesies to own is around fifteen, so you’ll have a one-week supply with two changes per day.

Keeping baby clothes clean

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Photo by Angela Bailey on Unsplash

Speaking of laundry, check the washing instructions for the clothes you are buying. Unless you have an army of nannies and maids, it is best not to buy clothing that can only be hand washed or taken to the dry cleaners. Baby clothes will get dirty, often with poop explosions, so the clothes to buy must endure 30 degrees in the washing machine.

Go for earthy tones

Being financially savvy is essential for responsible adults, especially when we start having children. Although this might be your first child, you don’t know how many more children you will have. Spending a significant sum of money on baby clothes for your firstborn is common for most people, but you will find it challenging to do so with every child you bring into the world. So why not be financially savvy while respecting the environment by buying gender-neutral clothing? These days, brands offer stunning pieces in earthy tones from warm brown to deep maroon hues, green and bright yellow.

Avoid choking hazards

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Photo by Picsea on Unsplash

You might take it for granted that all baby clothes are safe for the baby, but the opposite of that is true. Some brands choose to add buttons in the front of baby clothes or other items such as sparkly eyes that babies can easily swallow. Once your baby starts teething, which can happen as early as three months old, your baby will naturally begin putting things in his mouth, including the front of his shirt or onesie. So it is essential to dress your baby in clothing that does not have choking hazards.

Don’t go overboard

It’s tempting to go overboard and shop for a whole month of clothing, so you don’t have to do laundry for weeks but keep in mind that babies, especially newborns grow fast. Parents out there will tell you how their newborns barely wore many of their clothes because they grew quickly. So instead of buying a lot of clothes, opt for quality and shop for the next size so that you will always have something bigger you can dress your baby when he goes through a growth spurt.


Welcoming a new baby is simultaneously exciting and terrifying. In those first few weeks especially, there will be many things you will have to learn and times where you will have to adjust to the baby’s needs. So you must keep other things in your life, including your baby’s clothing, as easy as possible so that you can go through this new transition with fewer challenges.

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