Frugality does not always have to mean deprivation. Frugal parents can still give their kids the opportunity to experience new things – while also saving money. In addition, you can teach them to value what they have by finding creative ways to make the most of what’s at home.

There are many benefits to frugal parenting. It can lead to more family time and higher self-esteem, not only for your children but for you as well.
Here are a few frugal parenting tips that don’t leave your kids feeling deprived:
Let them have sweets

Now and then, let them indulge in a sweet treat like ice cream or candy. By not always giving them these sweets, they will get excited when they do finally get one!
Find Great Deals in Weekly Ads
Parents who want to save money and spend less time at the grocery store can find great deals in weekly ads. Stores’ weekly ads are posted in their newspapers, magazines, and on their websites to bring in the customers, and they are a way to introduce the customer to new items. It gives the customer an idea of what will be in store for them next week.
Make Your Own Meals

When making your own meals, you will avoid paying for expensive pre-made dinners which lose nutrients after being cooked and refrigerated for days or weeks at a time before being eaten. You will also save money by cooking in bulk so that you have leftovers or enough to last through the week.
Find Cheap Thrills Outdoors
Outdoor activities are a great way to get the kids out of the house and for parents to have some time to themselves.
The best way to find cheap thrills outdoors is through your local parks and recreation department, which may offer everything from outdoor exercise classes to free or discounted admission to parks. Local libraries also offer special programming for children when the weather is nice.
There are several cheap thrills that you can find outdoors.
Some of the best are:
- A scavenger hunt in your neighbourhood
- A long walk with the family or a friend
- A hike with your dog
- Planting flowers in pots on your porch
Do Creative Indoor Activities

Creative indoor activities for children are often overlooked because of the many available outdoor activities. But there is no need to let kids be limited by the weather when there is so much to do inside!
- Play dress-up: This one can involve a lot of creativity and imagination, with little effort. Parents can help find costumes and accessories, which will make it easier to find something that fits the child’s character or mood. One idea could be to provide prizes for the best-dressed character.
- Playhouse: For toddlers, this game may mean playing with toys as if they were dishes or pretending to cook in real life. But kids who are a little bit older can pretend they’re parents themselves by making decisions about what dinner is going to be.
Teach your Children the Value of Sharing
While it is important for children to learn about generosity, it is also important to teach them about the value of sharing. Kids don’t always understand the value of things and often get frustrated when they cannot have something they want. Teaching them that other people have feelings and needs can help them be more generous with their own possessions.
Some good ways to teach kids about sharing are:
- Setting up a schedule for when different toys will be used or played with
- Encouraging kids to ask if they can play with another child’s toy instead of “taking” somebody else’s toy without asking permission.
Living frugally offers you as a parent plenty of opportunities to enrich your child’s life. You don’t need money to offer a rich and stimulating childhood to your children.