Over my years as a Mummy, I have wasted a LOT of money buying things unnecessarily on family days out (and holidays) because Hubby and I are USELESS at planning a day out. We always seem to be running around like headless chickens trying to get ready for days out or trips away, only to find we are missing something. Take our current camping trip, we have managed to come away without a washing up bowl – ok, in the grand scheme of things, not too bad, but it’s a bit of a pain trying to carry all our dirty dishes across the campsite without one so we have to keep using our cool bag. On previous occasions, we have forgotten our mallet (pretty important for pitching a tent) and this time, we thought we had left one bag of our tent poles at home, but thankfully, we found them hiding in the flysheet bag (of course).
We regularly buy new hoodies, rain jackets or children’s wellies when we go out dressed in the wrong attire and realise that we haven’t bought the essentials for a change of weather. We live in the UK, so you would have thought we would have learned that by now. So, learning from our mistakes – until our next faux pas – I am going to share with you a list of those things that we have, at some point or another, had to buy extras of to allow our days out to go without a hitch or whinge from the Beans!
Hoodie or Fleece Top

The British weather can be so changeable that you can start the day in glorious sunshine and end it with torrential rain. The trouble is when it turns cold after a warm spell, it can feel bitterly cold, and there’s nothing worse than having to go home early because you’re chilled to the bone. We love Muddy Puddles for their Fleece Tops, great for all weather.
Rain Jacket and Wellies

For pretty much the same reasons I have stated above. Last year when we went camping I didn’t think to pack mine or the children’s wellies, it was Summer so I reasoned that I wouldn’t need them. During our camping trip, the rain got so bad that we had huge pools of water on the tent’s roof, and we considered spending the night at the local 24-hour Tesco!! I kid you not. We had soaking wet feet and bought everyone a new pair of wellies and a new rain jacket since I had left mine at home. The thing with children’s wellies is kids will wear them in any weather, and somehow, they can carry them off, too, perfect for all their muddy adventures.

Sun Cream
Yes, we require sun cream, and this Summer, we have been lucky enough to need it regularly. I carry a small bottle in my handbag now to keep my little people protected, as sunburn isn’t nice for anyone, especially not on their delicate skin.
Picnic Blanket
I keep picnic blankets in my car because we love to eat outdoors. Sometimes, it can be a totally ad hoc thing where we just decide whilst out and about, ‘let’s have a picnic’ and pop to the shops to buy what we need. It’s a fun and relaxed way to eat as a family, it saves money (sometimes), and it’s often healthier too.
Mobile Phone
Ok, so this isn’t a necessity but these days your mobile phone is your everything; camera, mobile computer, Sat Nav/GPS iPod and of course a way to contact help in an emergency. I know we would be lost without ours.
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