Anyone walking around our house would notice we have a LOT of books. Books are a gateway to inspiration, knowledge, adventure, fantasy, and so much more. Curly can lose himself for days at a time in a book, and I think that’s a great thing for him to enjoy. The more that Little Bean is clicking with her reading, the more she, too, is beginning to find a real love for reading books to herself. Reading together or looking at books alone is something we have encouraged ever since the Beans were babies, and it’s something they all love.
Before Christmas, we were sent a book I hadn’t heard of before, Clever Tykes. Clever Tykes is a set of three stories aimed at primary school children, which has been bringing positive entrepreneurial role models into the classrooms of over 50 schools across the UK, and now they are available for the home, too.

The book’s main characters are Cody, Cho and Willow, who realise that there is something very special about each of them, and so they set about making their own little ventures. The series includes Walk-It Willow, the story of a girl who loves dogs and starts her own service for neighbours; Code It Cody, a computer whizz kid who creates his very own computer game; and Change It Cho; who has a passion for health and fitness and wants to encourage others to eat healthily and get more exercise.
The book which appealed most to Little Bean (who is in Key Stage 2 – target audience) was Walk-It Willow as she too loves animals and would love the opportunity to work with them herself when she is older. Little Bean recognised many personality traits in Willow that were similar to her own and she loves the chance to do a bit of problem solving so it was interesting to hear her take on how she would put things right.
Clever Tykes storybooks aim to introduce important life skills to young children through positive entrepreneurial role models”, commented founder Ben Cook. “We’re passionate about raising aspirations in children everywhere through enterprise educations, and we want to make sure that children, whatever their background, believe in themselves and excel in whichever career path they choose”, he added.
Children naturally aspire to be like people they know or look up to, whether it’s their parents, their teachers or people they see on TV. Little Bean particularly loves Steve Backshall (as does Mummy) and Naomi Wilkinson, and thanks to their great shows, she has been inspired to learn more about animals. Clever Tykes is passionate about using their stories to promote important skills and characteristics in children as they grow up and to give young kids the opportunity to be inspired. The books empower them to feel that they, too, have what it takes to carve out a successful career doing something they love.
The books are very easy to read and written in a clear font with amusing black and white images to accompany the story.
Clever Tykes (RRP £7.99 each or a complete series of three stories for £19.99) are available to purchase from and are also available from Amazon and Waterstones.
DISCLAIMER: We were sent a complimentary set of books for the purpose of this post. All words, images and opinions are my own and may not be copied without my permission.
Children’s tv presenters, their teachers and hopefully me!
hopefully me and their dad – and their grandparents too
There older brother and sisters, they seem to copy alot. So let hope we did a good job with them lol x
I hope me, their brothers and sisters and their friends and teachers
From myself and their teachers
there brothers or sisters
I think we all do, as we all have different strengths & achievements.
Myself and husband because they want to be like us and love us
Who do you think inspires your child the most and why? . . . . mummy and daddy and me (granny) as we always listen to them
Me, their Dad, and their teachers!
Their Granny! Granny knows all x
Me and the tiny man I blog about at He’s not reading yet but won’t be long!
my friends daughter Charlotte
My dad was my daughter hero and still is xxx
Mum (me) I hope, as they spend most of their time with me xx
My late father was my boys hero…hopefully they will keep the values he demonstrated throughout his life
My Mum is my daughters hero x
I would like to say myself as I always try my best to work hard and be a good role model.
He is super close to his nanny so I would say her!
My daughter takes after my Mum, so I would say Nanny has a lot of influence over my daughter!
At the moment, I think my dad is my daughters inspiration – she hangs on his every word and wants to be just like him
I would say my eldest is inspired by his dad and my youngest by his older brother
me and their dad and I think granny!
Me and her dad, I hope!
We love science, star gazing and astronomy in our house so we watch prof Brian Cox a lot and I’d say apart from us as parents it’s prof Cox who has a great impact on my children! As you can imagine when they are older, they want to be out there discovering new life, planets and infinity of our universe.
His dad, He loves to copy my husband. He does martial arts and running and my son loves to practice with him <3
My Mum is my daughters hero she has spent alot of quality time with her
Scooby Doo as he always solves the mystery & faces his “demons”
I would like to think we do, but I know they really care about their taid and nain and want to do well for them x
They would say fireman Sam seen as he helps everybody
Their Grandparents – older, wiser and still quite cool!
us & grandparents we hope! (still a baby)
I would like to say me (her mom and her dad also) but really I think its Peppa Pig LOL
his friends, that’s all he goes on about
My soldier husband as they look up to him
Her older friends, because she copies everything they do.
At the moment its Tim Peake. My daughter has always been interested in space and having a Brit up there has really increased her enthusiasm.
Their primary school teacher
Her pre-school teachers
Mummy and Daddy
Us – the parents – no one has a greater impact
There bigger brothers and sisters
we do his mom and dad!
my husband, he works hard in 2 jobs and is studying for degree and still makes lots of time for our children.
Being home educated and thus being free to explore and expand their own horizons !
My little girl wants to be an illustrator so thinks Axel Scheffler is amazing!
I think me and her dad, well at least I hope so!
Man Utd footballers – he wants to be as big as them x
nanny she is just inspiring and patient
Mummy and daddy
Apparently Diego Costa as he is very good at football
January 24, 2016
my mum
From the world around them
His support teacher at school with whom he has a very close relationship and she has inspired him in so many ways, 3 levels of reading since September to start with.
my mother she is very hard working and loving
My mum she is very hard working and loving <3 xx
My little girl is inspired by our Vet, she looks up to her as her hero, as she wants to be a vet when she grows up!
my mum
It would be nice to say it’s me as I spend the most time with him, but I’ve got a feeling it’s his older cousin who he apes continously
My dad, he is nearly 87 and love to talk about what he used to do back in the olden days xx
I think my daughter inspires my grand-daughter most,from the time she was tiny my daughter would read constantly with her,she’s now only four and her knowledge is incredible,she got over forty books at Christmas a large majority were educational.She has spends hours doing art with her and her paintings,for a four year old are really good,you don’t have to ask what it is,if it’s a person she has a body,head with hair eyes nose and mouth,arms and legs.It really does show the difference constant stimulation can make x
Daddy as he goes to work six days a week!
the kids dad as he goes to work everyday and gives them the best life he can give them and teaches them whats right from wrong x
I think its his elder brother Daniel
My daughter is most inspired by her big brother!
Probably Elsa and Anna from Frozen right now!
thank you for taking the time to run this competition
my mam she sees her nearly everyday and loves her very much
His daddy, can’t believe what a fantastic dad Jacob has turned out to be
my son
Their primary school teacher
I want to say me
My in-laws
I would like to think it was me, but I suspect these days it is his teachers
Probably mum.
I’d love to say me however i’m pretty sure it’s his great nanny bell, he stays with her every Monday night to ‘look after her’. Personally I think it’s all the stories she tells him of when she was little that makes him want to stay <3
Their great-grandad, They adored him and would sit for hours listening to his stories and tales of the war, etc ….
my grandparents as they look after my boys whilst i work they have a great time and lots of fun
Bear Grylls because he really inspires my son to get outside and do survival type things.
has to be me (there mum) im single now 8 years on with twins and little ones and ive done a dam good job with my kids, they all help around the house and im always being told how good there manners are
My family
Children are always inspired by how interested you are in reading yourself. Kid’s books are better
Me I love reading at the end of a long tiring day with my boy
my daughter (6) is inspired by Tim Peake at the moment and she now want to be an astronaut, she just loves anything associated with space.
who inspires my twin boys (3)?, I would love to say me but its probably Buzz Lightyear or Mr Tumble
Grandma and grandma and their childhood tales
His grandads, he trys to be just like them
other children whether that be siblings, cousins, other children at school/nursery
Amaxing giveaway , something iv been looking for , for my lo. Xx
Fab giveaway
Me and dad Other kids @nursery xx
My mum has been a second mother figure for my daughter and we have instilled good morals x
Me hopefully as I struggled to work hard while raising him alone.
I hoping me as I strive to set an example every day
Her Daddy
Children at Playschool- he copies and takes in everything they do
I think me TBH. She’s a complete mummy’s girl. She looks like her daddy but has my mannerisms.
all of his cousins inspire him to do and try new things
These look good, unlike the large amount of meaningless books on the market.
My child is most inspired by nature. She is really engrossed with leaves, and loves to look at them.
I hope that we do as their family.
A mixture of influences, I think. Family and teachers at the top of the list then online and media personalities.
I believe that my 1 year old daughter inspires my two other children. She has been ill since she was born but is always smiling and pushing through it and never giving up.
The parents primarily, as they are around the children the most.
Without a doubt hubby and I as the parents as she looks up to us
Their friends
Amazing giveaway, our two boys love their books xx
Her daddy xxx
currently her pets and our family pets – H is fascinated by dogs and cats and the birds and snakes – we play making the noises and name the body parts with them
parents and grandparents
My husband, my son wants to be just like him and mimics everything her does.
older kids
I’d like to think I inspire my daughter but I know it’s probably other children and seeing what they can do. It pushes her to try more.
They look up to their Daddy but copy their siblings
us as parents because our kids look up to us
defo the older ones help them to learn
My. Grandfather
I believe my older kids inspire our younger children.
I would love to win this amazing giveaway for our little girl. Thank you for the chance ?