Yummy food and sparkling decorations. Not to mention more wrapping paper than you can shake a stick at. That is usually what our Christmas consists of, and overall that is a good thing. However, have you ever felt your heart sink on January the 1st, but because you have to get the house back in order after the chaos of Christmas clutter? Well, there are some ways you can avoid feeling like this in 2021. Keep reading to find out what they are.

Start with a clean slate
The best way of keeping your home clutter-free during the festive period is, to begin with, a clean slate. After all, if you already have an issue with clutter, all those stocking fillers, tags and bows, and Pringles tubes will make things worse.
With that in mind, a quick declutter of your home at the beginning of December is good. Of course, your aim will be to get rid of as much as possible. Although doing this is often easier said than done. Especially when you have opinionated kids that don’t want to be parted from their possessions, even though they haven’t picked them up since last Christmas!
Happily, there is a solution, and it is to lease some self-storage units as an intermediate step. The idea here is that all the items you currently don’t use but don’t want to donate to charity, sell, or bin will go into the storage unit. You can then experience living without them. Then at a later date, you can go back through your storage unit and rescue any items that have been sorely missed, and throw the rest away without regret.
Get the kids involved

You won’t be able to get your home clutter-free without the cooperation of the kids. With that in mind, it’s vital that you explain what you are doing to them, and make their individual tasks as straightforward as possible.
Decluttering tasks should be assigned by age as the little ones will probably struggle if you ask them to do things like clear out the cupboard under the stairs. However, you will probably be surprised as to how well younger kids can declutter their own toys and clothes with minimal supervision. Indeed, if you frame it by explaining that toys they no longer need will go to other children that don’t have enough, it’s likely to be very successful.
Buy less
Finally, to keep your home clutter-free over Christmas, it is a good idea to carefully consider each purchase before you make it. Yes, I know that it’s Christmas and it can be a lot of fun to treat the kids to some extra surprises, and stock out the fridge with all sorts of delights.
However, there is often a lot of waste at Christmas, which can quickly turn to clutter. To that end, investing in one quality surprise or treat item rather than a whole load of smaller ones is a smart way to buy less and have less clutter to deal with as well.