Today was the day that our beautiful baby boy was christened before family, friends and a lovely welcoming congregation at Deeping St James Priory Church in Lincolnshire. The sun was shining and Beanie Boy’s continuous smile only added to the warmth of the sun.

As usual, we were running late but managed to get into Church with minutes to spare. The service went well with Beanie Boy acting as the perfect child, smiling throughout and laughing as the Holy water was poured over his head. We were congratulated on having “the most pleasant baptism the Church had held in a long time thanks to your gorgeous little boy” by a member of the congregation.
Little Bean, never failing to amuse me, took herself up to receive a blessing and knelt down with everyone else as if it were something she did every week. Though she did outstay her welcome a little and was asked to “please return to your seat now sweetheart!”. There were 7 children in our party attending the Christening (not including the babies) and they all behaved perfectly – well, so long as you don’t count the excited greetings as they spotted each other in Church and showed each other their posh dresses and new shoes!!
Afterwards, we all carried on the celebrations at a local pub with a delicious carvery lunch and scrummy Christening cake. The children continued to play well together, Beanie Boy posed perfectly for photographs with everyone to mark the occasion and everyone enjoyed the day. Beanie Boy received some lovely gifts and money for his savings account and I can honestly say I don’t think he could have had a more special day. So thank you to everyone who came and made it special from our family to Godparents and very special friends, we could not have done it without you xx