4 Things Parents Need to Remind Kids as They Head to College

Now that schools are reopening and college dorms are opening up, it’s time for a “refresher course” on the things parents need to teach their college-bound kids as they head out into the new world. College is such a fun and fantastic experience. 

For some kids, this is the ultimate platform that positions them for a great life. While for others, it’s the environment that entirely derails their lives. 

Remind Kids as They Head to College

We want the former, not the latter. To ensure that your kids get the best outcomes from attending college, here are a few things you need to remind them of as they prepare to leave

Talk to Them About Mental Health

College can be challenging for kids who struggle with fitting in or have very opinionated ideas. While there’s nothing wrong with these issues, the reality is that the college experience can be difficult for those like that. 

So, talk to them about developing mental toughness and not feeling like they are being left out. Teach and remind them of the necessary coping skills they’ll need so they don’t become depressed or anxious. 

Encourage Them to Manage Time More Effectively

For many young adults, this is the first time they’ll be in charge of themselves. This means they have to make their own sleep routines, manage their time more efficiently, and get things done without any help from you, their parent. 

While the college does have its freedoms, this is the big kahuna that the average individual has to deal with. Your kids will have to learn how to manage their time so that they live balanced lives while on campus. 

If you’ve been teaching them time management –hopefully, you have- now is the time to remind them of the importance of those skills. If they will succeed and come out in flying colours, effective time management will be their friend.  

Being Considerate of Other People

Starting college

Since the average college kid lives in student apartments or accommodation where they probably have a roommate, it’s important to remind them to be considerate of their neighbour’s needs. 

While there’s the likelihood of the partying and bustling lifestyle, remind them of the importance of selflessness. This is particularly important if you have a bright child who probably doesn’t need to study as much as other students. 

For example, instead of playing loud music while their roommates are studying, they might want to turn down the music or at least listen to their music with a headset.

Talk to Them About Their Choice of Friends

As you probably know, the friends you keep can influence your life’s trajectory. There are students whose lives have been ruined because of the friends they made in college. 

And some have made great friends that influenced their lives positively. Reinforce the importance of choosing the right friends with solid values and success drive. Please encourage them to make friends with good people while they’re in college. 

These reminders will hopefully help them stay focused and come out with excellent grades, and go on to become good, well-balanced members of society.  

4 Things Parents Need to Remind Kids as They Head to College 1

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