My Favourite Voucher Codes is designed to help shoppers save money on their purchases by passing on excellent discounts offered by retailers. All of their coupon codes are free to use and can help consumers save hundreds of pounds on everything from every day groceries to holidays around the world.
They have a team of promo code hunters that scour the web for the very best deals and put them all in one place for you to use. The database is full of retailers, from well-known ones like Tesco, Amazon and Boots stores too much smaller ones.
There are plenty of voucher code websites out there, so, what’s special about this particular one? Well, there is one very big difference that the guys over at My Favourite Voucher Codes are incredibly proud of…
Charity donations

They donate 20% off all net profits to charity every single month. The readers choose which charity will benefit from voting in a poll on the website.
It works as every time someone uses a voucher code on the site, My Favourite Voucher Codes receives a small commission. So, they help in two ways – you get to save on the things you want the most and they send much-needed money to charities.
You will find a huge list of the charities that they donate to on the website, but if there’s one that is particularly close to your heart, drop them a message and they will look into including it.
Download the app
It was found that many shoppers were missing out on discounts because they didn’t know there was a voucher code available to cut the cost. My Favourite Voucher Codes app ensures that shoppers never miss out on deals or discounts from any retailer.
When browsing the internet, it’s easy to start shopping on a whim when you spot something you like. This is where the app comes in handy – it sits at the top of your browser and alerts you when you could be saving cash with a coupon code or MoonWlkr coupon.

Although using voucher codes can save you cash, it can be a pain having to search websites to find the codes before shopping. This way, you can shop as normal and still make savings. My Favourite Voucher Codes app is available for both Firefox and Chrome users, so almost everyone can shop with the confidence that they are getting the best value for money.