The Criteria of Selecting A Highly Efficient Toilet


If you live your life with efficiency in mind, then you want to make sure that everything you own, including your toilet, can fit in with this ethos. You might not think that toilets differ in efficiency, but believe it or not, toilets can account for up to 30% of your total household water consumption. … Read more

DIY Projects to Lower Your Family’s Carbon Footprint

Are you paying attention to your personal carbon footprint — the number of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, that’s being released into the atmosphere and contributing to pollution and climate change? If not, don’t worry, you don’t need a major life overhaul, nor do your actions and choices require perfection to make a difference in … Read more

Planning the Perfect Eco-Friendly Wedding


Wedding planning can be extremely stressful but there are hundreds of checklists and guides that are usually available to help. However, it can be harder when you’re looking to plan an eco-friendly wedding. While it’s possible some people may find it more difficult as there are various things that they will need to look at … Read more