Being a parent is hard work, so hard in fact that some people decide to become stay-at-home parents. But once your children are old enough to go to school and they won’t need you as much anymore, you might find it difficult to go back to work.

Parenting is important, but it is not the highest priority on the list of skills required by employees. Once you step off the hamster wheel it can be very difficult to get back in there. It takes time. However, you can take matters into your own hands and make a path for yourself
Take charge of your own path
Have you been turned down at every job interview? Maybe you haven’t even gotten an interview yet. The job market can be cruel to people who have taken a break. You might think that it is hopeless, that no one wants you anymore. Well, you are wrong. You have a lot to offer to the world. Just because you took the time to raise your child doesn’t mean you don’t have value as an employee.
However, instead of waiting for the phone to ring, you need to take charge of your professional career. You can do that by starting a blog. To some, blogging is a career. If you are willing to go the extra mile, you too could make a living off blogging. It does, however, require that you put in the work. If you don’t have enough time to do that, you can still use blogging as a way to show future employers that you have done more than just raise children the past few years. The extra money you can make from advertising on your blog isn’t too bad either.
So … how do you do it?

Of course, starting a blog is easier said than done. Where do you even start? If you don’t have any ideas yet, take a look at your life. What is important to you right now? Perhaps there is a subject especially close to your heart, or maybe you have special skills you could share with the world. Consider how you can make yourself look competent to a potential employer. Keep your blog professional, but don’t be afraid to be personal. Blogs usually are. Your blog offers an opportunity to present yourself and hopefully start a career. Your choice of topic is very important, both for the success of the blog and your job search.
Once you have a topic, it is time to decide on a name. This can be a difficult endeavour. It is, after all, important that you find a name that entices people to visit your blog. How do you know when you have found the right name? The name largely depends on your choice of topic and the content of your blog. What is the tone of your blog? Is it light-humoured or serious? The name of your blog should reflect that. Find a great name for your blog here If you haven’t yet decided on a name.
Tips on blogging
Have you found a name yet? Good! You are almost ready to start blogging. There is, of course, plenty you need to learn to make your blog successful. Click here to read tips on blogging so you can get off on the right foot.