Reasons Why You Should Keep Record Of Your Kids’ Height And Weight

Parents are often asked to keep track of their children’s height and weight, but many don’t know why.  The truth is that there are several reasons for this!  For one thing, it helps them make sure their child is developing normally. It also helps doctors assess the health of the child by identifying any potential problems that need to be addressed early on. Keeping records can help identify obesity or stunted growth before they become serious issues too!  So how do you go about keeping these records? There are a few things you can do that will not only be easy for you but also beneficial for your child in the long run!

Don’t stay back in time

Reasons Why You Should Keep Record Of Your Kids' Height And Weight

You may want to use something like an online spreadsheet, compare height calculator, or mobile app so that it’s easier for you to keep track of measurements. Just remember, any old piece of paper or spreadsheet won’t work. You need to have a standard format to get the most accurate measurements! If you don’t, you’ll have a hard time reading the measurements. Also, it’s important to keep your records for at least a few years since some kids grow faster than others and this could help doctors determine what’s going on more easily.

This is why parents are often asked to keep an eye on the child’s height and weight from birth until they become adults! Doctors may request these measurements once every six months or every year during regular checkups but you can do them any time of the year. Just make sure that it’s done in roughly the same way each time so that doctors have accurate comparisons.

Once or twice a year isn’t enough

Doctors know that there are a lot of children out there who need special care. Some may need therapies or special diets. Even if the child isn’t suffering from any serious ailments, doctors recommend that parents keep track of their kids’ height and weight at least once every couple of months until they’re 12 years old. After this point, measurements can be taken about twice a year – usually during regular checkups.

This is not only because children grow at different rates but also to make sure it’s easy for them to track changes in weight, height, body-mass index (BMI), and other health conditions over time. For instance, it will be easier for doctors to make out whether there are any problems with growth trajectories based on these records! It could also help determine how well the child is doing nutritionally.

Doctors recommend that parents keep track of their children’s weight and height measurements throughout their entire childhood until they become adults (and even after this point) because it can help them diagnose any potential problems early on. It not only helps kids grow at the proper rate but also ensures that they’re developing healthily!

Use a tape measure 

The best way to know how much your child has grown is through regular measurements. There are lots of different things you can use but they must be accurate and easy to use, like having an actual tape measure for instance.

More concise measurements

If you take your measurements in inches, remember to convert them to centimetres or meters as soon as possible! Otherwise, it can be easy for errors to slip into your data during the transcription process and that’s something you’ll want to avoid at all costs. Be careful about size inconsistencies too-if a pair of jeans says it is size 8, but they don’t fit your child, something’s wrong!

Not just height and weight

Baby height and weight

Of course, doctors often ask for more than just height and weight measurements. They might also ask you to keep track of the circumference of certain body parts or even ask if there have been any changes in their appearance. So be sure to keep track of any other measurements too if your doctor requests them!

It’s important to maintain the same measurements every time you take them. This means using the same tape measure or ruler, in similar lighting conditions, and so on. It doesn’t matter if your child is sick or tired-you should still try your best!  Be sure to document when you took each measurement too. Don’t forget that it’s important to use these records with other information to get a thorough picture of your child’s growth. 

Monitoring your child’s height and weight is a great way to know that they are developing healthily. It also helps you determine how well they’re doing nutritionally, which can be important for ongoing development. If you have any concerns about their growth patterns or other health issues, talk to your doctor as soon as possible so that you can get the help needed!

Reasons Why You Should Keep Record Of Your Kids' Height And Weight 1

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