“Drawing” Up The Plans! Preparing Your Home Sale With A Busy Family Life

Selling your home is one of the most stressful things you can do. There’s so many back and forths with the estate agency, and when people come by to view the property, you need to make sure that you declutter the place, and ensure that you provide this blank canvas for the potential buyer to take it off your hands. But when we have busy lives, especially with children, it can seem that the simplest of tasks becomes the most difficult, especially when preparing your home sale. And when we start to think about how much we really have to do to make sure that our home sells up, but also that we don’t get overwhelmed by the pressure if it all, adding children into the equation could very well be the straw that breaks the camel’s back! What can you do to ensure that you sell your home, but also, to cope with the endless pressures associated with having children at this time?

How Much Do You Really Need To Change The House?

Child's drawing of house

This is a big question that you have to ask yourself. Sometimes there are little things that need changing that can make a big difference. In which case, the investment upfront is worthwhile. Whether it’s making sure that the exterior of the property breathes a new lease of life by installing BND garage doors and new window panes, or by adding a few plants and foliage to the exterior to improve the kerb appeal, these little changes can alter the entire look and feel of the exterior. Going inside the property, do you really need to give the place a new lick of paint? Selling a home, especially a fixer-upper can mean that you won’t get as much as you like, but it’s important to be competitive in the grand scheme of things. It’s about doing just enough to make the house look presentable, without spending above and beyond. One of the big mistakes people make is that they spend too much money on a property, and don’t make the money back.

It’s All About Having A Game Plan

Planning is everything, even when it’s the most minuscule of operations. And when you are trying to set up your home, and you’re going through the difficult process of meeting with the estate agents, but you’ve got your kids in tow, you could very well miss salient points that they discuss with you because you’re trying to keep your child from running around. This means that you’ve got to focus on what you are doing, and know inherently what the process is. Yes, this is easier said than done. But if you have a gameplan, especially by communicating with your partner, one person can be in charge of one aspect of selling the home, such as the finances, and dealing with the estate agents. But the other person can then focus on the more practical aspects. This is a perfect way to split the duties, so the act of selling the home isn’t so stressful, but also, you are both bearing the burden equally.

With busy family life, preparing a home sale can be one task too many, but it’s all about effective planning.

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